Thursday, June 30, 2011

Small Successes

1. Way back in May my daughter convinced me we needed to have a flower garden. I have never really tried to grow anything before. Occasionally my mom would bring us flowers and they would die because we forgot to water them. Well, I decided to try - even though I really know very little about this kind of stuff - and I can honestly say I really did not expect to actually grow anything other than weeds or grass, but here is our first flower blooming that started as just an ity-bitty little seed. (Don't worry, I watered them right after this picture.)

2. I finally found a piano teacher (after planning to for about a year now) and had my first "adult" lesson (as technically I had a year of lessons in 3rd grade). I forgot how much I LOVE playing the piano!!

3. I had some major paperwork things looming over my head and I actually managed to get them all done (one was almost a month late, but hey, it is done now at least).

Feel free to chime in with your successes. For details, check here.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Paul Update

My youngest son, Paul, recently (back on May 17) turned one-year-old. I have been MEANING to post for some time, but circumstances have kept me away. In any case, I figure better late than never. So here we have a few pictures of Paul sitting for the first time at "the big kids' table" and enjoying one of his favorite birthday toys - his drum.

And now I want to copy my good friend, Monica and say a little bit about Paul.

  • He LOVES To jabber! He is quite talkative. The only "real" word we consistently hear is "Daddy" (go figure :) but I would swear he has his own version of "thank you" (same inflection - jibberish words, though)

  • He is really good at climbing on things. I plan to put up an entire post about this aspect. I have caught him everywhere from on top of the couch (way up on the back) to the top of Jacob's tall table chair. He has no fear and quite a bit of skill.

  • His favorite foods right now are: black beans (so strange as I never thought to try and feed these to the other kids, but he eats them straight and LOVES them), peas, hamburger (mashed up), yogurt, and apples

  • Nursing - he has nursed the most of all the kids at his age (5 or 6 times a day). Of course, in his defense, this is the longest I have gone, between children, before getting pregnant again. And the nursing baby always seems to be the first to notice that I am pregnant.

  • Sleeping - he was giving me no short amount of trouble as his "preferred" nap schedule did not mesh with his brother and sister's school schedules and then he was always grumpy by evening, giving me trouble going to sleep at night and stay asleep. But at right about a year he seemed to figure things out. He shifted to one nap a day (about 1pm to 3:30 or 4pm) and began going down quite easily around 7pm - and STAYING ASLEEP until about 8am the next morning (occasionally he still wakes up once, around 5am, but then he goes right back to sleep after nursing a bit).

Paul, you are such a blessing to me!! Hooray for being a year old :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Small Successes

It is that time again when I take stock of how things are going and look at the positive. So here are our successes for this week.

1) Survived two weeks of swim lessons - got everyone there on time - wrangled the younger kiddos - all went well.

2) Got the spare room cleaned up. It is amazing how things get out of hand so easily when stuff comes in and starts getting piled where it does not belong, but I have gotten it back under control (for now).

3) I have been doing better at keeping myself calm and letting things that normally would have me all upset, slip past (not all, of course, but some and that is a start).

Feel free to join in our weekly reflection by checking out the rules here.

Monday, June 20, 2011


It has been a little while since I've posted and part of it is the craziness of life and part of it is blogger acting funny and part of it is the camera hiding from me for a while. In any case, I wanted to share some thoughts here today. I have noticed some changes in myself and. . . well, just wow, that is really all I can say about them - oh and thank you, God!

A while ago I began praying that I would be transformed to not be so materialistic and to have a better attitude about money. Early on I realized that the label "financially poor" would be sticking with us for some time as we began our family before "establishing" our careers or really taking too much time to settle in. Then, as we continued to be blessed by God with children I realized I needed an attitude adjustment. I could make do with less, but that was not good enough, I wanted to make do with less AND feel good about doing it! That was more of a challenge as initially I was quite resentful and embarrassed to be choosing children and staying home with them over possessions. Yes, now as I type it I truly understand how silly it was - I was making the right choices for us, but feeling bad about them. So I prayed that God would change my heart - show me true detachment from possessions and true trust in His providence. Well, it has taken some time (as answering prayers often does) but I am beginning to notice the changes deep within me. Here are some of the most recent revelations of them.

1) For the Fathers' Day I told my husband we could bring in dinner from a restaurant. As good a cook as I am becoming, he still has a soft spot in his heart (or more precisely his stomach :) for restaurant food. So we planned a dinner date after the kiddos went to bed (as the cheapskate in me rarely feeds them restaurant food - unless we actually eat out as a family). The hubby chose a place I do not particularly like, so he encouraged me to get food for myself from another restaurant. I thought long and hard, I considered all the options and in the end I chose to eat left-overs from the fridge! And I was just as content (if not more so) with them than I would have been with restaurant food. It has taken a long time to reach this point, but I now truly choose my own cooking over eating out.

2) I was going to the store early Saturday morning to buy last-minute Fathers' Day cards for all the fathers in my life and a gift for my own dad. As I went from store to store, looking at cards and gift ideas (prepared to spend a little money on my Dad as more money spent equaled more respect and affection, so I thought). At the second store, as I scanned the cards, it dawned on me that I could go home right now and the time I would have spent here shopping I could instead spend with my daughter, making homemade cards that would probably be appreciated more anyhow! Likewise, as I thought deep in my heart, I knew what my Dad would truly appreciate - some new praise music - and I had a cd at home that I enjoyed a lot, but he had not heard and would surely enjoy just as much! So home I went to make homemade cards and wrap up my own cd to give to my father. Somehow this simple event just made me stop and think how often I go buy a store card or gift for someone simply because that is what is expected and not because that would truly be the most thoughtful way to do it!

3) Our next-door-neighbor had a baby a few days ago. I want to make her dinner but we are not that close and I'm not sure how to go about offering that so instead we made cookies for her and her other children today. I have kinda turned into a health nut (perhaps a whole other number in itself) so instead of regular granulated sugar and brown sugar I use organic sugar and instead of shortening I use coconut oil and instead of while flour, I use wheat. But since these were for someone else I decided to go for the fluff. We used the last of the regular granulated sugar and brown sugar along with crisco shortening and half white flour (as I was running out). As I was putting the cookies on the pans to bake I inevitably got some on my fingers and it would be wasteful to not lick that off, right? (and wash my hands afterward, of course) Well, the strangest thing happened. . . I did not really enjoy the dough as much as I normally would - it was too sweet. And then, when the cookies were done I of course had to sample a few to make sure I was not giving away something that tasted bad and although I they did taste good, I prefer them with my substitutions. This really solidified that it is not just a conscious choice to use healthier ingredients - I really do like them better all around!

I am still in awe of how God is working me - and oh so grateful!!