Monday, July 4, 2011

The TV room. . . and THE TOYS

I have been thinking a lot about toys since my friend Monica posted this link on facebook. The comments about it were also good for thought. Monica mentioned that she had several toys in "storage" and rotated frequently. The funny thing is that I would have told you I do the same thing, but as I was thinking about it, I realized that is not quite true. We don't really have a lot of room for storage. I have to stick things here or there - no real "storage room" or what-not. So in a sense, I was considering toys to be "in storage" when really they were just crammed in the nooks and crannies of the tv (toy) room in places I really did not expect the kids to get them out (although I was not consciously thinking that when I put them there - if that makes sense). In any case, after much mulling over the subject of toys (and having some free time as I mentioned in my previous post -staying home with an almost fine baby) I attacked the tv room. I thinned out the toys so there would be more space. And created a "toy library" (or really it is more just an "ask permission first" so that I can make you pick up your other toys and/or help you because I don't want these broken or the pieces lost - although there are some things that are just regular toys I am planning to rotate to perk interest).

Unfortunately I have no "before" pictures as it did not dawn on me to take any until I was in the thick of it and toys were EVERYWHERE so you will just have to take my word that it looks better.

Here is the "toy library" - although most of it is games or puzzles that I don't want broken or the pieces destroyed - so in a sense it is more like "restricted play" - although there are some "rotating toys" here, too. Here is the tv room - you can't tell but I've seriously cut down on all the bins and what-not that are scattered about. And the ones left I have put serious thought into - the toys on the black shelves are well-loved by all the kids (doctor toy set, toy tea set, tub of toy phones) and the bottom shelf are blocks for the baby to stack and a tub of little people and animals that I think Paul will enjoy.

I moved the toy kitchen into this room from the front room. All the kids love the toy kitchen and use it frequently - so as much as I dislike picking up toy food every day (and disinfecting on a regular basis), I think the kids might riot if I tried to put it in "restricted play"

Here is the closet - just trust me - it has been thinned out and the toys are MUCH MORE accessible. The box in the middle is dress-up clothes or to be more official, "dramatic play." Many of the moms I am friends with dislike plastic toys that take batteries and trust me, I am right there with you - but at the same time, the baby always seems to enjoy the heck out of these - and most of the ones in this closet have been with us since Rebekah was a baby - so they are tried and true.

Here are our videos (yep, old-school - most of these are from when I was little - hehe) and our "older books" - some are chapter books and some are just a bit more advanced. (This is my first time "organizing" the books - I hope it sticks as it makes my book choice much easier when I'm looking for something to read to the kids.)

Here is our other shelf of books. (Notice the tubs on top - more "toy library/restricted play" toys.)

Here is a close up of the bookshelf. The top shelf is wooden puzzles (ask to get them down - so we don't lose the pieces) and our religious books (and St Francis and Jesus). I keep a few of these down in the living room as our "featured books" and then rotate them every week or so. The next shelf down is comic books (a little old for our kids - again, from my childhood - some day they will love them, though - I still enjoy them :) followed by a "regular reading" shelf - books that all the kids (except Paul) enjoy. The shelf one up from the bottom is board books. And then the bottom shelf is big board books and a few more "regular reading" books.

I know it seems nerdy to have a whole post on this but I am sooooo excited to have the room cleaner and a conscious approach to toys. I'm still letting the concept of homeschooling sink into my soul - maybe some day. In the mean time I'm trying to make the most of my time with the kiddos as I work and play with them throughout the day.

House Rearrangement

I was home with the recovering baby this past weekend - and really he was not very sick to begin with and was feeling much better very quickly, so I took the opportunity to rearrange the house. I am THRILLED with the results. I imagine you will be, too.

Here is the living room as it was - front door shot.

Here is another view of the front room. This is an older picture as we still have the stove here (it has been taken out for a while now - it was not mounted, just sitting there, so when it got warmer we moved it to the back porch) but the picture suits my purposes - as you can tell this wall had a bookshelf and chair and misc other junk.

I should interject here, that we were given a new couch that we like quite a bit. We debated getting rid of the old one but then decided to keep both. In any case, it was in front of the window (where the kids' table and chairs are).

Now, here is a shot of the new set-up. I call it dueling couches. But it really seems to open up the room. I put the rug sideways because I like to have the footstool in front of the easy chair (as the kids like to jump on my legs when I have them up and I'm always afraid they will hurt the recliner foot - so I use a footstool instead) and it does not sit well on the rug. But I think the rug sideways also makes the room look larger as it makes the dining area appear bigger. (And I'm all about illusion - if you can't actually make the room bigger, you might as well make it LOOK bigger :)

Here is shot of the old set-up. Notice all the toys along the wall near the kitchen door? I will address where all those toys went in my next post. I did not realize how cluttered they looked until I moved them.

Here is the new set-up. I like the bookshelf there a lot better, but now I will have to move our 5x7 frames of the kiddos. Oh well, maybe I will invest in a digital photo frame (hint hint for Christmas dear Hubby - if you actually read this :) - then I could just have ONE and put pictures of the all the kiddos on it.

And a final picture - looking at the front room from the front door.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rebekah is now 6-years-old

  • Loves riding her bike, going swimming, and dance class.

  • Favorite food: homemade pizza without the sauce (I put olive oil on the crust instead)

  • Dislikes: tomatoes and tomato sauce (go figure)

  • Caught up on: Disney Princesses - Cinderella is her favorite - hence why we are reading "The Glass Slipper" (a Cinderella chapter book) right now.

  • Likes to help take care of her youngest brother, Paul - really enjoys carrying him around (but I'm not so sure he enjoys it as much!)

  • Can be very helpful in the kitchen and cleaning up - when she wants to be!

  • Has an imagination like none other and really enjoys creating adventures with her oldest younger brother, Samuel.

  • Willingly appeases her Momma to make homemade cards, valentines, and other crafts that I think need her touch.

  • Brushes her own teeth very well - and reminds me when we have no done so - as silly thing, but we just went to the dentist and oh how I wish all the kids were like her!!

Such a sweet, fun-loving little lady! I love you Miss Strawberry Princess Rebekah! May God help me form you into a virtuous, kind, and gentle young woman.