So I've hit the 37 week mark. At this point, "baby" would be eagerly welcomed any time, any day. However, my babies tend to not come early (or really at all - as the last three had to be induced), so I'm trying to remain calm. I have noticed more of the braxton-hicks contractions/cramps/back pain with this one than with any of the others (or really all of them put together - hah - I did not have ANY IDEA what a contraction felt like until I started my actual labor with my first child, Rebekah). Despite these and my complete and utter exhaustion from trying to remain an active stay-home-mom of my four other kiddos, I have begun preparing myself for the next few weeks. As the title states, I am a nerd. Here is a copy of my most recent "preparation." I will put it on the fridge by our regular calendar. Our schedule is fairly typical (this next week is oddly empty in the mornings while the boys are at school, but I'm sure I'll find plenty to fill it with). In any case, it seems like such a short time when I look at it this way (rather than when I tell someone I have three weeks left). I'm just trying to stay busy and not freak out, as thinking about labor too much. . . well, I try to offer up every time I think of it, but it does kinda freak me out - I am not really excited for it - other than the fact that the reward is a little baby. I always thought it would get easier and maybe it has. . . by about one percent - hah. But it is still a great challenge. In any case, I'll quit rambling here. I just thought I'd post SOMETHING as I have kinda dropped off the blog world for a while. So here I am jumping back on for a bit. That is all. . . for now.
Oh and this picture I found on the internet the other day. Some truth there for sure.