This week
I am especially thankful for:
1) Choosing to homeschool. This sounds silly as we have barely started, but as the school year is starting to rev up, I feel so much more at peace with life. I never realized how school - the meetings, the supplies and uniforms, the schedules, the CRAZINESS - really stresses me out! I am so grateful to have an opportunity to avoid that.
(On a side note, I cannot predict the future and if our homeschooling endeavors fail horribly, I will of course, give "the system" another try, but at this time, for the next year, at least, I hope to enjoy a bit more peace and relaxation as we live and learn as a family.)
2) My camera. (Or more specifically, having a camera - that works - in general.) The kids LOVE to have their picture taken. We rarely come up with AMAZING pictures, but the joy of taking them and being in them is really something we celebrate around here.
3) A nearby Adoration chapel. I do not get there near enough, but it is such a nice little chapel and VERY close. Definitely a blessing!