Out My Window:
The snow is melting and after a few days of single digit temperatures, the 30s and low 40s today seem quite warm. Although I prefer the "warmer" weather, I know the kids LOVE the snow, so hopefully we will have more soon for them to enjoy.
Clothing Myself In:
Let's just not go there today. . . well, rather, let's say I was in jeans and boots and a nice shirt this morning for Mass and the coffee shop with the ladies. After working-out this afternoon I am in . . . less appealing attire.
Around the House:
I finally got it fairly clean for Samuel's birthday party last week and have been having the kids help keep it that way (which they are handling fairly well - perhaps it is time for more responsibility for the older ones). Unfortunately I can just barely keep up with the kitchen. The dishwasher is great, but we are now to the point where it needs to be run once a day and at least one good-sized load of non-dishwasher-items SHOULD be washed at least once a day (often more) and THAT is a task I never want to do (mostly because there is no where to PUT said items once clean! - the drying rack fills way too quickly and then the dishes fill the counters and so I end up having to clean everything in the kitchen and waah wah wahh!! :) As I type this, I think I"m sensing what I might need to focus on for the rest of Advent and this is good as I have been seeking an "Advent resolution" and just could not find one that really seemed to fit. . . until now.
The Baby:
She is starting to show a little defiance now and again. She has a bit of a temper. But she is still cute as all get-out. Her jabbering is adorable and she loves it when I or one of the kids will talk nonsense with her. She loves to toddle around and explore the world, but books are definitely her favorite.
I should also add here, in case there is anyone in the world who reads my blog that is not my facebook friend (doubtful but possible) that "the baby" will be losing her title, hopefully by mid-June of next year.
The Kids:
I think I will do a pro and con for each.
Rebekah: Amazingly helpful lately and so interested in the world, asking me many in-depth questions about all kinds of stuff. However, I am still fighting her to stay focused until a said task is COMPLETED. (She tends to get a little "distracted". . . a lot!)
Samuel: I am amazed at how he is growing up and can suddenly do so much! He puts the toys away -where they go!! (who knew?!?!) And today he was just writing up a storm in his Simple Sentences work-book, with such eagerness and joy! We are still working on him being kind to his younger brother, though. Poor Paul gets picked on a lot, which I find interesting as the older kids go out of their way to be kind to Miriam, but then pick on Paul (usually at Samuel's lead) - really kids?!?! sheesh
Jacob: I am starting to see the tip of the ice-berg in his intellectual head and oh my he is smart! The things he states, matter-of-factly simply amaze me, as do the questions he asks. His brain is definitely buzzing with excitement these days! Unfortunately he is a bit obstinate as well (must be a family trait) and often tells me he "doesn't want to" do things I ask of him (such as chores) and then proceeds to ignore me. When I finally convince him to comply, he often has tears by that point (need to work on my motivation I guess) and does so in a desperate grumpy manner.
Paul: As much as I despise sharing toileting habits as comparisons can be deadly and people without kids generally are grossed out, I must say that him FINALLY pooping in the potty is such a relief. He still expects to be rewarded (by playing the kindle fire kid aps we have) but I have been side-stepping that some and hopefully his request for playtime will diminish soon. My biggest challenge with Paul is simply the typical three-year-old stuff, such as having to repeat the answer to a question 15 times and having to constantly answer him. Paul does NOT do well with the silent treatment!
My schooling philosophy is still changing day by day as is my assessment of the kids. One day I veer wildly toward unschooling letting the kids play and be creative and the next day I am a task master, books, worksheets, sentences, stuff! Then I think, "We are ahead! We are behind! We don't socialize enough! We run around to too many activities! (It does not help that I'm a little hormonal - haha.) In any case, my current understanding is that we are doing "ok" but I definitely want to spend some extra time looking into curriculum for next year. Now that I'm getting a sense of what works for us I hope I can find curriculum to match my style and the kiddos. The biggest challenge I face with curriculum is them being faith-based. Sometimes the Christian ones are anti-Catholic and that is tough to stomach (and it is often hard to tell this up front). Other ones are what I consider "Catholic over-achievers" and drive me a little nuts, too. I'm just too picky I guess.
I miss knitting but I do not have the patience or time for it right now. I'm getting ready to send out our Christmas letter (way late for me - hah) and that is my little "craft" right now. How, you ask? Well, I got a new printer (a laser printer because my old ink one was just not keeping up with all the copies and printing our little homeschooling family needed). In any case, since I am cheap, I got a monochrome laser printer (aka no color printing). So no big deal, I usually print our Christmas letter on colored paper, in black and white. But this year. . . I included that I painted the house this summer and my pride wanted to show how good it looks now (from the front anyhow). Well, in order to appreciate A NEW PAINT JOB one is required to have a COLORED picture. Thus. . . I printed just that picture on the old ink-guzzling printer and have cut it out and taped it to the otherwise black and white letter (in the appropriate place). You can say it. I AM A NERD and I don't care.
When the stomach flu hit our house about a week ago I decided I needed a good fiction book to read while I waiting for the laundry or sat up with sick kids, waiting for the next puke. So I found a series I have read before called The Black Magician Trilogy and began rereading it. It had been quite a while since the initial reading (several years I think) so although I knew the gist of the story, there was much I did not remember. Thus I enjoyed it the second time around, although I have not finished the last book in the series yet and am dragging my feet as we are no longer sick so I have trouble finding time for leisure reading and I know how it ends (with a main character sadly dying) and I'm not eager for that to happen in the story (if that makes sense). Silly, I know. I need to just finish it before I forget about it. Next chance I get, I promise I will :)
Bringing Me Joy:
- Miriam's giggles. She has been so joyful lately!
- Christmas music. (We have a cd of children singing Christmas carols. It makes me happy.)
- My children enjoying some of the meals I make. They can be tough critics, so once in a while when they tell me they actually like their meal, I get pretty happy! (Even if it is just waffles - hey, they are HOMEMADE waffles, thank you! :)
Bible Verse:
But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." (Psalm 31:14)