So the title might make you think that I'm going to be doing some deep reflecting on the season of Advent, but I tricked you because I actually am just using that title because it IS Advent and these are some of the things I have been noticing. So while some MAY have to do with the liturgical season, I actually chose the title simply because of timing. In any case, if you are still reading this, feel free to read on. . .
The Children:
Zipporah reminds me of a little monkey as she toddles around, all bow-legged, tummy sticking out. It is really adorable. I read in a book somewhere that children learn to walk by mimicking their parents, so perhaps I need to consider my walking style.
Samuel has taken to whistling. . . a lot. And I've been grumpier than usual, so I'm often telling him all day to cut it out (in a bit of a gruff tone). I hope I'm not scarring him for life. On the positive side, he must be happy to be constantly wanting to make such noise "music."
Miriam, all dressed up. |
Miriam is growing into her middle name, Dolores, at least as far as it favors her Great Grandma Dolores Stroda. While Miriam continues to be sweet and kind and loving, she has this growing bossy attitude. She wants things done how she wants them and done and while she is sweet and polite about it, her persistence can be overwhelming!
Jacob is really blooming at his school studies. . . when I can manage to keep him in the same room as me to get them done! He seems to really enjoy reading now, although I don't think he would admit that, but he will gladly sit down and let me read to him and ask him questions about the text as we go. He is also quite proficient in Math and LOVES to do Science. His only trouble is handwriting. Since Math has lots of writing it is definitely a chore to get done. And as for writing sentences. . . oh buddy, the challenge is real. I'm going to laugh when he becomes a writer some day - hah.
Random picture of Rebekah and Zipporah, for your viewing pleasure. |
Rebekah has started this habit of drinking from her cup sideways. Seriously, she holds it up to only have her mouth, purses her lips real tight and drinks. I try not to comment but just seeing it drives me nuts. At least she has it down and does not spill or anything.
Paul has been grumpier than usual lately, but I'm chalking it up to the holidays. He carries a lot of energy in all he does and that can be overwhelming at times. He was throwing himself full-throttle into his school work, but he is only in kindergarten, so there really is not that much to do! He will easily be done with Math by the end of January and his Literature will be close behind - as will the rest of the his work. I'm wondering if his teacher has any tips for us as this happens (I forgot to bring it up in our last conference). There are lots of educational games for him to play on the computer, but I don't think more screen time is the answer. If more "official school" curriculum is not available I just might need to get him some extra workbooks of some sort. Unlike his older brother, Jacob, Paul LOVES to write and even wrote a letter to Grandma - all on his own!
Around the House:
I taught Rebekah and Samuel how to do laundry, but honestly I like doing it myself. Samuel is still the best at folding and putting the clothes away, but he is grumpy about it. Miriam is the most eager and a little helpful, Paul is even more helpful, but neither of them are good at keeping the drawers neat - surprise, surprise. Fortunately we have low standards around here.
A while back our oven died and we picked up another used one that was nicer than our old one! And get this, the new one has A SELF-CLEANING feature!! I used it the other day and it turned out great!
All the kids are are getting better at getting their dishes into the dishwasher after meals and that is such a blessing. Although, once again, Samuel is the best at getting the table cleaned off. Rebekah can do it, but she often comes up with some mostly-plausible excuse to not have to (just like her Daddy).
As for cooking, Rebekah and Samuel are both quite helpful in making simple meals. Now we all just need to learn some more recipes!
We had a friend over to play the other day - a friend we see at church regularly - and somehow my older kids got on this kick bragging about the prayers they know! They were going on and on and while I am glad they know lots of prayers, I was thoroughly embarrassed to have them flaunting them that way! Oh humility. I guess I have been focusing a little too much on the "bare bones" (aka, the words to the prayers) and not enough on the spirit behind the prayers! Back to the drawing board here.
Our Advent wreath continues to be a hit. Rebekah and Samuel take turns lighting the candles. Samuel reads one of our devotionals and Rebekah reads the Scripture for the Jesse Tree ornament. If I forget, they always remind me.
Gordie and I have been consistent with our Night Prayer (from the Liturgy of the Hours) finally, due to an Advent resolution on my part.
Gordie was going to put climbing stones on the OUTSIDE of the garage and get harnesses and everything and have the kids climb all the way to the top (two stories up!) but then he realized anchoring the stones on the second story would mess up his drywall inside our playroom. So instead he came up with this idea for an indoor wall! The kids all love it and he can hardly wait to get materials to make more - thinking of having the kids climb horizontally around the room. Gordie is also hoping to put some handles on the ceiling for the kids to swing from to get around as well.
Rebekah received the game Dixit from St. Nicholas and it has been a hit. Her artistic side really enjoys the pictures I think and it is simple enough that she has been able to play it with Samuel and her cousins when they came and her friends.
Speaking of which, St. Nick brought the game Suspend to Jacob and of course the pieces have never been used in the recommended "game form" but they have gotten non-stop action as building tools, of course. Jacob has built everything from collapsible planes to giant leaning sky-scrapers.
Picnic in December? Sure, why not? |