Thursday, December 28, 2017

On Birthdays and Such

This time of year, as amazing as it is, is kind of depressing to me for some reason. And then along comes my birthday and I'm getting slightly older and THAT's kind of depressing. So tonight, my dear hubby was going to take me out for a birthday dinner, but being grumpy and just generally unsettled, I did not feel like just eating out. 

Then, as I was putting the baby to bed, thoughts of my work today came to mind. Today I was helping clean and organize a local free store (sponsored by a local group called Unite). It is nothing spectacular, just a bunch of donated items that hopefully pass into the hands of those who really can use/need them. The food portion was especially sparse. And there was a stone-age dirty crockpot/rice cooker thing that I felt was just begging to be thrown away. 

Anyhow, the story from our local parish mission (by Casting Nets, by the way -- a great couple of guys, you should have them out to talk at your parish, or give them your money 😊) about Mother Teresa came to mind. Apparently she was taking a flight somewhere and the airline was going to server her dinner. She requested to fast instead and take the money that should have been spent on her dinner. Apparently 80% of the plane followed her lead and gave her the money for their meals. Then, as she's leaving the plane, she has the audacity to ask for the meals that were not eaten since they will probably have to be thrown away. The airline gives Mother Teresa those meals and she goes and gives them and the money to the poor.

So in honor of that story, instead of eating out for my birthday, I went and spent that same amount of money on food and a few various other items for the free store. Now, before you think I wrote this post to brag, I will quickly clarify that who knows if these items will actually end up in those that really, really need them. Who knows if they are the "right" items. Who knows if they are going to sit on the shelf for years (although, some of the packages of crackers I bought are good for a year and a half -- we checked -- so hopefully they will be consumed before then 😂). Who knows if that money would have been better spent donated to another ministry or service. Well, God knows, but he's not telling. So all I have is what I did and even if it ends up not meaning anything at all, it was good for my soul, if nothing else (and possibly my waistline, too 😂)