Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Journal #18

Out My Window:

The snow is melting and after a few days of single digit temperatures, the 30s and low 40s today seem quite warm. Although I prefer the "warmer" weather, I know the kids LOVE the snow, so hopefully we will have more soon for them to enjoy.

Clothing Myself In:

Let's just not go there today. . . well, rather, let's say I was in jeans and boots and a nice shirt this morning for Mass and the coffee shop with the ladies.  After working-out this afternoon I am in . . . less appealing attire.

Around the House:

I finally got it fairly clean for Samuel's birthday party last week and have been having the kids help keep it that way (which they are handling fairly well - perhaps it is time for more responsibility for the older ones).  Unfortunately I can just barely keep up with the kitchen.  The dishwasher is great, but we are now to the point where it needs to be run once a day and at least one good-sized load of non-dishwasher-items SHOULD be washed at least once a day (often more) and THAT is a task I never want to do (mostly because there is no where to PUT said items once clean! - the drying rack fills way too quickly and then the dishes fill the counters and so I end up having to clean everything in the kitchen and waah wah wahh!! :)  As I type this, I think I"m sensing what I might need to focus on for the rest of Advent and this is good as I have been seeking an "Advent resolution" and just could not find one that really seemed to fit. . . until now.

The Baby:

She is starting to show a little defiance now and again.  She has a bit of  a temper.  But she is still cute as all get-out. Her jabbering is adorable and she loves it when I or one of the kids will talk nonsense with her.  She loves to toddle around and explore the world, but books are definitely her favorite.

I should also add here, in case there is anyone in the world who reads my blog that is not my facebook friend (doubtful but possible) that "the baby" will be losing her title, hopefully by mid-June of next year.

The Kids:

I think I will do a pro and con for each.

Rebekah: Amazingly helpful lately and so interested in the world, asking me many in-depth questions about all kinds of stuff.  However, I am still fighting her to stay focused until a said task is COMPLETED. (She tends to get a little "distracted". . . a lot!)

Samuel: I am amazed at how he is growing up and can suddenly do so much!  He puts the toys away -where they go!! (who knew?!?!)  And today he was just writing up a storm in his Simple Sentences work-book, with such eagerness and joy!  We are still working on him being kind to his younger brother, though.  Poor Paul gets picked on a lot, which I find interesting as the older kids go out of their way to be kind to Miriam, but then pick on Paul (usually at Samuel's lead) - really kids?!?!  sheesh

Jacob: I am starting to see the tip of the ice-berg in his intellectual head and oh my he is smart!  The things he states, matter-of-factly simply amaze me, as do the questions he asks.  His brain is definitely buzzing with excitement these days!  Unfortunately he is a bit obstinate as well (must be a family trait) and often tells me he "doesn't want to" do things I ask of him (such as chores) and then proceeds to ignore me.  When I finally convince him to comply, he often has tears by that point (need to work on my motivation I guess) and does so in a desperate grumpy manner.

Paul: As much as I despise sharing toileting habits as comparisons can be deadly and people without kids generally are grossed out, I must say that him FINALLY pooping in the potty is such a relief.  He still expects to be rewarded (by playing the kindle fire kid aps we have) but I have been side-stepping that some and hopefully his request for playtime will diminish soon.  My biggest challenge with Paul is simply the typical three-year-old stuff, such as having to repeat the answer to a question 15 times and having to constantly answer him.  Paul does NOT do well with the silent treatment!


My schooling philosophy is still changing day by day as is my assessment of the kids.  One day I veer wildly toward unschooling letting the kids play and be creative and the next day I am a task master, books, worksheets, sentences, stuff!  Then I think, "We are ahead! We are behind! We don't socialize enough!  We run around to too many activities! (It does not help that I'm a little hormonal - haha.)  In any case, my current understanding is that we are doing "ok" but I definitely want to spend some extra time looking into curriculum for next year.  Now that I'm getting a sense of what works for us I hope I can find curriculum to match my style and the kiddos.  The biggest challenge I face with curriculum is them being faith-based.  Sometimes the Christian ones are anti-Catholic and that is tough to stomach (and it is often hard to tell this up front).  Other ones are what I consider "Catholic over-achievers" and drive me a little nuts, too. I'm just too picky I guess.


I miss knitting but I do not have the patience or time for it right now.  I'm getting ready to send out our Christmas letter (way late for me - hah) and that is my little "craft" right now.  How, you ask?  Well, I got a new printer (a laser printer because my old ink one was just not keeping up with all the copies and printing our little homeschooling family needed).  In any case, since I am cheap, I got a monochrome laser printer (aka no color printing).  So no big deal, I usually print our Christmas letter on colored paper, in black and white.  But this year. . . I included that I painted the house this summer and my pride wanted to show how good it looks now (from the front anyhow).  Well, in order to appreciate A NEW PAINT JOB one is required to have a COLORED picture.  Thus. . . I printed just that picture on the old ink-guzzling printer and have cut it out and taped it to the otherwise black and white letter (in the appropriate place).  You can say it.  I AM A NERD and I don't care.


When the stomach flu hit our house about a week ago I decided I needed a good fiction book to read while I waiting for the laundry or sat up with sick kids, waiting for the next puke.  So I found a series I have read before called The Black Magician Trilogy and began rereading it.  It had been quite a while since the initial reading (several years I think) so although I knew the gist of the story, there was much I did not remember.  Thus I enjoyed it the second time around, although I have not finished the last book in the series yet and am dragging my feet as we are no longer sick so I have trouble finding time for leisure reading and I know how it ends (with a main character sadly dying) and I'm not eager for that to happen in the story (if that makes sense).  Silly, I know.  I need to just finish it before I forget about it.  Next chance I get, I promise I will :)

Bringing Me Joy:

- Miriam's giggles.  She has been so joyful lately!

- Christmas music.  (We have a cd of children singing Christmas carols.  It makes me happy.)

- My children enjoying some of the meals I make.  They can be tough critics, so once in a while when they tell me they actually like their meal, I get pretty happy!  (Even if it is just waffles - hey, they are HOMEMADE waffles, thank you! :)

Bible Verse:

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God."  (Psalm 31:14)

Pictures to Share:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Journal #17

Out My Window:

It is a beautiful day.  A touch chilly with the wind (need a jacket and maybe a little more) but the sun is nice.

Clothing Myself In:

Some cute work-out pants and a bright orange work-out shirt, along with my good tennis shoes.  If you cannot tell I am hoping to work out at some point.  Unfortunately I am still waiting on my back to comply with this goal.  It has been off and on ok.  I'm hoping to sneak a walk in early this evening.  We shall see.

Around the House:

It feels like such a mess!!  First off, being home all day means things do NOT stay clean or tidy because we live here ALL DAY!!  I am still trying to deal with this.  In addition, with my back being questionable I have just not felt up to picking up as I usually do.  I know this too shall pass.  I keep trying to train the kids.  My new goal is to encourage them to pick up without making them feel like it is a burden.  So no rewards and no punishments, just DO IT!!

The Baby:

She is working on her last four teeth (all at once - she is a multi-tasker) but overall she is not too fussy.  She generally wakes up either early (like between 5 and 7am) to nurse or once in the night (randomly - could be midnight, could be 3am) - and this is after she has been sleeping pretty solidly through the night for several months.  But you win some, you lose some.  Soon she will be as big as her big sister (too big to carry to bed!!) and I do not long for that day.

The Kids:

Paul is working on his toileting habits.  He will tell that to anyone who walks in the door (first thing) and to complete strangers when we are out and about.  I hope and pray he figures it all out soon as there is simply no turning back now.  He went forward, he digressed, he struggled, and now it just needs to "click."  We are hopeful, if nothing else.

Jacob is copying his older brother, Samuel in pretty-much everything.  Fortunately, Samuel does not mind so much and he is really not that bad of a role model.  These two are playing together LIKE CRAZY and LOVING IT!!  Jacob is not really interested in "formal" school so I have given him a break for the year (as he is an August birthday, so I would not start him in Kindergarten till next year anyhow - if I were going to send him to school).  This means he basically sits and watches Samuel do his school work all morning, longing for the moment when I declare recess or that he is finished so they can play together.

Samuel is enjoying being the oldest boy, but I do have to call him out on behavior sometimes.  I can see how he is tempted to pick on his younger siblings (esp. Paul) because they are so gullible!  But he generally does ok and takes correction quickly (and shamefully).

Rebekah is really getting into all the extra-curricular activities that homeschooling allows for, such as cooking, piano lessons, and tons of art!  When I pester her, she will buckle down and catch up or get ahead in her regular studies, but then she is off doing her own made-up science experiments or just playing with her dolls and stuffed animals (such a good little Mamma to them).

Speaking of which, Rebekah is really into her "little family" right now, which consists of a giant pony pillow (Rainbow Dash), named Ruth, two beanie baby Siamese kittens called Kitty Pitty and (can't remember the other one now!) and a little lemur named Sarah.  She will change their clothes (pjs and regular clothes -she puts doll clothes on the kittens), line them up, tuck blankets on them, and snuggle them up somewhere she hopes her younger siblings will not find them when she is doing other things (like schoolwork) during the day. 

Side Note: Her sister Miriam LOVES the beanie baby kittens and will beg for them and steal them any chance she gets.  Paul also finds them fascinating and will try to get them when he notices them.

Rebekah went on a trip this weekend with a friend and as she was packing, she SERIOUSLY asked me if I would change "the girls'" pjs and such.  I gave her a look and told her they could survive in the same outfit while she was gone.  She gave me a look right back (with a little begging) and ended up asking Samuel to change them for her!!  (Unfortunately, it does not appear Samuel took that request very seriously - or maybe fully understood what she was asking as he has not touched them since she has been gone, but the whole episode sure does crack me up!)

In the Kitchen:

We have started making pizza on the menu for every Tuesday and now that I have another breadmaker I am able to make four pizza crusts!!  So I make two cheese and two meat pizzas, then freeze the two cheese for Friday, to use at either lunch or dinner.  Generally we have a burrito or taco meal one night a week also.  This really helps my brain some in the planning department.  Add pasta and maybe a crock pot chicken or some such and there is the week!  Thank God!  I really need to learn more recipes but now I'm just trying to stay afloat.  These kids can EAT!


My knitting bag is still missing.  I took it with me to Cup a Joe when my MOMS group met there several weeks ago.  I KNOW I had it there as I remember knitting while there.  But it never made it back to my van, so it MUST be somewhere in that building (which is a big old schoolhouse - and Cup a Joe is on the third floor and there are lots of rooms).  I'm wondering if it might be in the boys' bathroom as I had to go back up to wait for Samuel after already taking the kids to the car.  My aunt runs Cup a Joe and she said she did not see it in the actual coffee shop, but I do not remember if I asked her to check the bathroom or not.  I just hope and pray it turns up again.  I LOVED those knitting needles and really wanted to finish that scarf for my mom some day.  Plus my Montessori book was in there and there were a lot of good activities in there that I was eager to try!


I am enjoying Hinds Feet on High Places again and have recently discovered there is a sequel so I might be getting into that soon, as well.  Also, I like to read what Rebekah is reading so I might be checking out some Little House on the Prairie books soon, too (which I somehow missed reading as a kid, so I'm looking forward to it).

Bringing me Joy:

*My husband.  Sometimes he can be so thoughtful.

*Being with my kids all day.  I really appreciate watching them learn and play.

*Some new clothes I splurged on.

Thinking About:

How to decide what is important and needs to be done NOW and what can wait.  Trying to discern God's will at each moment.

Bible Verse:

They who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life, for my sake, will find it.  (Matthew 10:39)

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

"See where you are baptized, see where Baptism comes from, if not from the cross of Christ, from his death.  There is the whole mystery: he died for you.  In him you are redeemed, in him you are saved."  (CCC #1225 - quoting St. Ambrose)

Pictures to Share:

Rebekah as St Therese of the Child Jesus.

Paul as a dragon. . . he did have a "head" but did not like it much.

Samuel is Ironman and Jacob is Spiderman.

Rebekah drew this for me.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Body!

We got this book called My Body for science this year.  You trace your child's body and then color and cut out the different body parts.  Way fun!!  We finally got started on it today.  We did the tracings and our first body part, the brain.

Here are some quotes I found humorous, from our work time today.

"While you cut out your brains, listen to these facts. . . " - Mom

"Here's a yellow for your spinach cord, Jacob." - Rebekah

"You are doing a good job cutting, Paul!" - Mom
"Yeah, he almost has it right on the lines! . . . well. . . uh. . almost." - Rebekah

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Journal #16

Out My Window:

About 80 degrees (or at least that is how hot I let my house get with the windows open before I shut them and turned on the air for a bit - I'm turning into a wimp in my old age apparently), just a little breezy, overall a beautiful day.

Clothing Myself:

Green gym shorts from college, a Larks baseball t-shirt, sporty sandals.  (I really should plan to journal on days I wear "real clothes" -hehe)

Around the House:

Our portable dishwasher recently broke and rather than fix it, we found another one on the local want-ads for less than fixing our current one (and WAY WAY less than buying another one new).  We are very grateful to God for orchestrating that, by the way.  In addition, we decided to keep the old dishwasher (same brand) for potential parts replacement.  And where did we conclude would be the best place to keep it?  Well in the kitchen, of course!  Now I have more counter space and potentially more storage - all in a nice mobile "island" (aka the old dishwasher).  It is "a little" more snug and mildly difficult to get to some drawers, but having more counter space is well worth the sacrifice.  One day we do hope to remodel the kitchen, but today is not that day.  This "fix" is definitely quite an improvement and it somehow it makes me incredibly happy while simultaneously making me feel incredibly "white-trashy" but I'm rolling with it and trying to embrace the humility.

The Baby:

She is still cute as ever.  Lately I have been really amazed with how much she understands.  She often asks for (and correctly uses) a napkin at meals (don't ask me where she learned that).  At night she gives each of her brothers a hug and kiss after I sing their songs (unprompted by me - she is simply doing what I do).  And often she picks up an item that belongs to someone else (for example a pencil off the floor), looks at me and then follows my command, such as, "take it to Rebekah, Miriam."  Her favorite past-times are nursing and snuggling in my lap reading her board books.  She also gets insanely jealous when Paul is in my lap and I have learned from experience that even though she may seem occupied at Mass with Daddy or a toy or some such, it is still NOT a good idea to let Paul sit in my lap as she will inevitably see him and explode.

The Kids/Homeschool:

Rebekah is showing great initiative in her schoolwork and can work independently quite well.  But she still likes having me work with her on some things (even if all I do is sit in the room with her) and that definitely melts my momma heart.  She has also started going to adoration with me regularly (once a week I try to squeeze an hour in when I can) and she REALLY REALLY likes that.  I love spending time with her and Jesus, too.

I am amazed at how smart Samuel is.  Seriously, when he sits down to do his "schoolwork" he flies right through it all.  He is usually a pretty good sport about it, too, especially as he knows once he is done he can go play.

I have stopped "formally" doing Kindergarten with Jacob.  I was going to do "some stuff." But Jacob basically let me know he was not interested in that so I backed off.  Now I let him do some stuff when he shows interest (or asks) otherwise I just let him play.  Today he sat on the floor playing with blocks while I read Samuel his catechism lesson and Jacob answered all my questions (quietly to himself) before Samuel could tell me (and he even answered some that Samuel did not know!!)  I think Jacob might be soaking in a lot more than I realize.  

Paul likes to do "school" sometimes so I oblige him as best I can with a few work-books or a craft.  His attention span is a bit short but his skills are pretty good.  He really likes cutting and pasting.  I'm also planning to start a letter of the week theme for all interested (aimed for Jacob and Paul, but Rebekah LOVES crafts and Samuel will probably not want to be left out), doing the crafts from Catholic Icing's preschool book, Catholic ABC's.

And a while back I got this amazing book called A-Z Memory Verses for Rebekah.  Even though the worksheets are reproduceable, they are a bit above Samuel and the younger kids, so I adapted the verses some into a homemade craft that I am MOST EXCITED about!  The kids really loved it and they had the scripture verse memorized by the time they were done putting it together.  Plus I put it on the wall so they can read it all week.

Samuel's is the top left, Rebekah's is top right.  Paul's is on the bottom.  He insisted on doing it himself (with no help).

In the Kitchen:

I whipped up a big batch of taco meat that everyone loves (and the hubby appreciates all the beans in it now that his cholesterol issues have been revealed).  We had calzones on Monday, another crowd pleaser.  Tonight I'm going to make some homemade hamburger pockets using Grandma's biscuit recipe.


Still working on Mom's scarf and if I do not find some time to really get cracking on it, she will be cold again this winter, too :(


The Bible, the Catechism, and bits and pieces of random other books I have been coming across for free on my kindle.  I'm going to have quite the library on there, soon and most of it has been free!!

Bringing Me Joy:

*My little revelation the other day has really been helpful here.

*Miriam.  She is such an adorable baby age.  Just thinking of her makes me smile.

*Homeschooling.  I really LOVE having my little brood around me all day.  They are such great kids.

Thinking About:

*Lots of prayer intentions: friends with sick kiddos, injuries, sicknesses, struggles.

*How we are in REAL NEED of new chore charts!!  (Top of the "to do" list, seriously :)

Bible Verse:

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.  (Romans 12:12)

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The Holy Spirit gives a spiritual understanding of the Word of God to those who read or hear it, according to the disposition of their hearts.  (CCC #1101)

Pictures To Share:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Recent Revelation

Lately I've noticed that I'm getting a little grumpy about things that did not used to make me "a little grumpy."  And being grumpy is making me grumpy and suddenly I'm VERY grumpy.  In the midst of this grumpiness I've suddenly realized I'm missing out on a lot of joy and a lot of fun that I used to be having. . .a lot of the time.  So what changed?  Well, a lot, or not much at all (depending on how you look at it), but here is my theory:

Somewhere along the way in the midst of getting married, having babies, etc I have gone from "barely surviving" to "figuring things out."  I have opinions on things now that I never imagined I would have opinions on before.  I now know not only that I CAN survive childbirth, but how to do it better.  I can not only live through a fussy baby, I often still manage to get sleep.  I cannot just cook edible food, now I cook food that I PREFER WHEN COMPARED TO MOST RESTAURANTS!  (That one is huge for me if you cannot tell.)  I now have ideas on what to do when I'm upset at my husband (and still treat him respectfully) and I even have some good ideas on what to do to "be especially nice" to him, as well.  I am far from an expert in any of these areas, but I guess I now have a little experience under my belt and a little confidence.  

And what does all this have to do with my personal joy or grumpiness?  Well, suddenly I believe I have started to expect too much from myself and my family.  Now I'm not saying we should not strive for perfection and be disciplined and deliberate in our actions, decisions, etc.  But suddenly I've noticed that my expectations might be a little too optimistic and thus, when I fall short of them I get GRUMPY!  Here is a real-life example for you.  I went to the grocery store yesterday and spent $13 more than I planned to spend.  The entire drive home I was beating myself up for what I had bought and for not paying better attention.  Obviously I am simple HORRIBLE at keeping a budget, even though I got over $20 from coupons, I obviously could have done that better.  And what had I bought this trip that was more in the "stocking up" category - what I could have lived without until my next trip to the store?  And I started to feel a little sick to my stomach and was thinking I might just never shop again.  Time to move out to the farm and raise all our own food.

Ok, time out.  $13 over is really NOT THAT BIG A DEAL!!  (I imagine all my SERIOUS coupon clippers are gasping at that, but in my life that is just how it is.)  I should be grateful it was not $50 or $100!  And for those stock-up items, who really knows when I'm going to get back to the store and if I will remember them when I get there?  I am actually quite sporadic on my store trips, and they often get pushed off for several days.  And having the right items in my cabinet is often the difference from being able to make a meal or spending more money to bring something in from a restaurant (not to mention usually sacrificing nutrition in the process).

Another example of my over-optimism would be in volunteering to take dinner to a friend yesterday.  We had soccer for Samuel and Jacob, followed by Aikido for Rebekah and Samuel and in the middle of the two I planned to drop off a meal for a friend in need.  And not only did I make a giant meal of meatballs, cheesey potatoes, peas, jigglers, and brownies, I ALSO made two calzones for my family (which required advance planning as I do the dough in the breadmaker and it takes 1.5 hrs).  My kitchen was trashed and we were 10 minutes late for soccer practice, but I managed to get it done.  But as I went about my chores of meal preparation I felt a hurriedness that bordered on panic and I lamented not being able to really enjoy these tasks (as I would have, given more time and better circumstances).  I could have even had the kids help and they would have LOVED IT.

In conclusion, what am I doing about all this?  I'm trying to be more realistic.  Somewhere along the way I bought into the idea (probably from pintrest) that EVERYTHING I do can and should be done PERFECTLY and not only that. . . it should have been done that way TWO DAYS AGO.  I can only do so much.  Although I am starting to do some things pretty well (in my humble opinion) taking that for granted it really sacrificing my joy lately.  So here is to being a little more flexible, not expecting perfection, not trying to do too much (haha), looking for the humor, and being thankful.

And if you have made it this far, here is an adorable picture of Miriam for you to enjoy.

Oh and did I mention I finally published a book I wrote about five years ago?  I wrote it on the suggestion of a few friends.  It is nothing earth shattering, or anything and it is knda short, but there are some good points!  I sent it to some "real" publishers back when I wrote it and although many of them sent me nice letters telling me my theology was sound and it was a "nice" book, it was not really "new author" material.  But anyone can publish on Amazon (for free), so. . . five years later, here ya go.  And if you really just cannot justify spending money on it, keep it saved and I think Amazon will let me offer it for free after a bit (during certain promotional periods).

Ok, one more picture of my "super hero" children :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Rebekah's new dresser

Many moons ago. . . one of the drawers from Rebekah's current dresser (which was really quite small and pathetic) BROKE (and I mean, SERIOUSLY broke, as in there was no turning back, no hammer it back together, nothing - IT WAS DONE).  So she used three drawers and one hole (with one of those plastic baskets from Wal-mart in part of it - yes, we are pretty ghetto around here).  We just do not have the cash in our budget to replace her dresser with something really nice and new, so I was looking on our local want-ads, but I kept just missing good deals.  It was really frustrating.  Finally, I got fed up with waiting (and maybe I was getting a little grumpy with God, too) and snagged the following "beauty" the minute it popped up!!  Now, in my defense, the picture on the want-ads did not look "quite so grungy."  It was a bit less zoomed in and kinda blurry - but I assumed it was fine.  They were in a rush to deliver (coming to town the next morning!!) so even though we had another obligation I went ahead and set up for them to leave it on the porch and collect their money from the mailbox.  It all went fine but I must say I was less than happy with the immediate results.  It smelled (just a bit, but still noticeable) like smoke and was just "yucky looking."

What it looked like upon delivery. (Except that there was a handle on the third drawer - I had already started removing them before I remembered I should take a picture!)
It actually all turned out ok, I think, but I had to wait ANOTHER TWO WEEKS for the dresser to be completed (haha, God, you are so funny).  But Rebekah and I got to have a "girls' afternoon" were we went off to the hardware store and she picked out the lovely color (which Daddy affectionately termed "pepto-bismol-pink" and so that is how I shall forever think of it - thanks, Honey).  Then we stopped at the grotto by church to pray the rosary (her choice) and then topped it off by heading to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner.  It was actually a lot of fun for just the two of us.

Slowly but surely we got the dresser fixed up.  First I removed the hardware and filled the holes (which turned out to be pointless as the new hardware ended up being the same size - haha) then I primed it with this awesome smelly primer that did not require sanding.  Then I let Rebekah help and we attacked it with color.  Over and over she kept saying, "Momma, this color is just SOOO GREAT!!  I am going to have THE BEST DRESSER EVER!"  (She was beside herself with glee.)  Two coats and we were doing good.  A couple more days and Daddy was ready to put on the new hardware.  And here the new dresser is in all her glory:

The inside of the drawers needed to be painted as they were a little smelly, too.  I thought of painting them pick, as well, but then I found a can of paint from the girls' room (it was painted purple when we moved in - but we had gotten another small can to make some repairs a few years ago) so we made the insides purple and I think that makes it "even more awesome" - seriously.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Journal #15

Out my window: 

It is raining and cool, but not too cold.  Hello, Fall!! :)

Clothing myself:

Black stretch capris and a Larks baseball t-shirt (a local team? I got this shirt from my brother, I have no idea.)  In my defense, it is a "home" day today and laundry day to boot, so you get what you get.

Around the house:

I purchased a dresser off the local want-ads to replace Rebekah's (one of the drawers had totally hit the bust and the top was warped and it was not very big, etc).  Anyhow, I was less than impressed with my purchase but due to the nature of the exchange (they left it on our porch while I was gone - agreed upon by myself, of course) I was unable to haggle any or say no (as if I would, after they took all the time to haul it over).  Anyhow, the dresser smelled and looked "yucky" so rather than dwell on that I took the opportunity to dash off to the hardware store with Rebekah and pick out a color so we could paint her new dresser.  Stay tuned as we hope to put the final coat on today or tomorrow and then there will surely be a post about her new (spoiler alert) PINK (as if you could not guess) dresser!!

A "before" picture of Rebekah's dresser.  Note: It was complete when I received it.  I had already removed one of the handles before I remembered I might want to take a "before" picture.

The Baby:

She is just the cutest little thing, ever.  For real.  I do not think I could come up with a cuter baby if I tried.  

Notice the shorts over her clothes?  Those would be Paul's pj shorts.  She found them this morning and insisted I help her put them on.  She is such a shorts fiend.

Finally she is fairly solidly sleeping through the night. (Many thanks to the hubby answering her cries to return her lost blanket - which really happens quite rarely these days. If I go in, I have to nurse her, but most times he can get her to resettle with just a quick tuck in and a kiss.)  Lately she has been nursing during the day LIKE CRAZY though.  She must be getting more teeth or maybe she just feels a little under the weather.  Whatever the case, I do not mind her nursing so much, but I definitely notice!

The Kids:

Rebekah and Samuel are getting into the school groove pretty well.  They are so smart, seriously, and even people who are not biased like me would tell you so!  I really love having them home all day and helping them with their school work.  But lately, what has been just tickling my heart is coming into a room to find them playing - together or alone - I just enjoy that they enjoy themselves and are able to just be kids.  I worry we rush our children to grow up so fast.  I want to give them a chance to be kids!

Jacob and Paul are also into the playing.  They often ask for "schoolwork" now and again, which I try to supply, but Paul looses interest quickly and any project I have in mind, is often not what he has in mind.  So I've given up trying to prep stuff for him.  When he asks, I offer a few choices (this or that workbook, a puzzle, a game you do not always have access to, etc) and we go from there.  I tried a little "formal" schooling with Jacob and while he was interested in some things (namely cutting and pasting and Math) he did not have the patience to answer my questions about the letters (although I really think he knows them all and their sounds).  So I humor him, as well, offering educational toys and a few workbooks now and again.  

(Tangent: I really like Kumon workbooks.  They are not very intimidating to the kids and do a very thorough job of covering the topics.)

In the Kitchen:

Gordie has unfortunately confirmed some bad news about his cholesterol, so we are considering reworking some of our meal choices (although I already do include quite a bit of fiber and such).  We are looking at using less beef, maybe heading to some vegetarian dishes or maybe just trying for more chicken.  I'm not sure how all this is going to look, but that is our "new adventure" for now.

Also, I should note that our dishwasher broke last night.  I toyed with the idea of trying to go without. . . for all of thirty minutes (hehe, first world right here) and am thinking we will gamble some and get it fixed rather than trying to replace right now.  But the final decision is still up in the air.


I'm working on my Mom's scarf again.  Yep, the one I wanted to have done for LAST Christmas.  I'm hoping to finish it up soon and get it to her so she can wear it when it turns cold.


I'm really enjoying Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt right now.  I have read it before, but it is such an enjoyable read and it really gets my brain thinking about Jesus as a real person (if that makes any sense).

Bringing Me Joy:

*New work-out clothes!!!  Seriously, I have NEVER purchased clothes to work-out in before (unless you count a uniform for an organized sport.)  I have always just used old gym shorts and t-shirts.  Well, as a splurge (and because all my current old clothes are rather baggy and falling off while I work-out) I picked up a cheap pair of shorts and a sporty shirt (on sale for $5).  Just putting the new clothes on is like a burst of energy and makes me want to move!  

Aren't these new duds AWESOME?!?!  (And please pardon the sweat stains on the mirrors!  This was a post-work-out picture.  Gotta clean them up again!)

*The kids - even the three-year-old - they are so great and I love them BUNCHES!! 

*Seeing the house MOSTLY painted.  For real!  Just need to touch up a few things so it will "look" better (because I am a sloppy painter).  But if I do not get to these "touch ups" I am content in knowing it is all painted and secure from the weather - and most of it looks pretty stinking good!!

Thinking About:

*The trouble in Syria.

*NFP and contraception.  (Planning to talk on this in a few days on the radio.  Praying about what to say on this delicate topic.)

Bible Verse:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  - Galatians 5:22-23

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Do not be troubled if you do not immediately receive from God what you ask him; for he desires to do something even greater for you, while you cling to him in prayer.  (CCC # 2737)

Pictures to share:

Our neighbors were thoughtful enough to have the fire truck come park RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE!!  The kids were ecstatic.  (Side note: No one was hurt.  It was a case of Carbon Monoxide and they were able to vent it so all was well again shortly.)

Family Hike.  I love that our family does this.  I hope we continue this tradition for many years to come.

Butts and Guts

This morning I used my Butts and Guts DVD from Cathe Friedrich.  Fun bit of trivia, I bought this DVD as a birthday present to myself. . . a couple years ago now and I'm still loving it!

As the title suggests, this DVD focuses on your butt and your gut. It is not cardio, nor is it super-intense weight training.  Rather it is its own breed of video but it still has me dripping in sweat and trembling from exhaustion.  There are 31 minutes of standing glute work followed by 19.5 minutes of floor work and 14 minutes of abs.  There are also a couple bonuses: stability ball abs (15 min) and bonus lower body (5 min).  This work-out REALLY does its job!  I noticed a firmer, more shapely backside after mixing this in my rotation, about twice to three or four times a month.  This does a great job of targeting the glute muscles from several different angles.  It also hits the quads and hamstrings (as they are all connected) and of course the abs.  Butts and guts is a solid work-out that can be tacked on to another work-out in pieces or endured all at once.  However you take it, I highly recommend it for strong and shapely legs.


Very effective.  If you want a more shapely and firmer behind, doing this work-out will definitely help you on your way.


It is a bit long.  To do all the "regular" DVD with no bonuses is just over an hour (about 75 min).  Not too long, but longer than the time I usually allot to work-out. 

Intensity Factor:

8 out of 10 (assuming you use weights that challenge you)

(Currently I use much heavier weight than Cathe does for most of the exercises.  Initially this was not true, but I have worked up to it.  In the beginning she uses 5lbs for lunges.  I use 8 or 10lbs.  She uses 35lbs (I think) for deadlifts and I use 65lbs.  Likewise for squats.  Later she puts on 2.5lb ankle weights.  I put on 4lb ankle weights and use an extra 10lb dumbell for some of the exercises.  I also put my ankle weights on at the start of the floor work, rather than waiting until she does a few exercises in.)

Recommended Fitness Level:


Thursday, September 5, 2013

9 Quick Takes - Homeschool Focus

I really want to post about homeschooling, but I want to journal, but I have other stuff to share, so the "7 Quick Takes" form won this afternoon.  Unfortunately, as I finally got all my "thoughts" out there it turned into 9 takes.  Deal with it - oh and consider yourself warned! :)

1) Homeschooling this year is AMAZING so far!!  For real!  Partially because my children are geniuses!!

*Rebekah is so motivated and can do A LOT on her own.  Seriously, this girl can practically homeschool herself.  And she LIKES me and WANTS to do what I think is important.  Can life get any better?!?!  :)

*Samuel is SO SMART!!  I have to sit and "help him" or he will run off and play with his brother, but he catches on really fast and is doing amazing.  He is reading chapter books to me (very slowly, mind you) and flying through his site words cards.  He is a wiz at Math and now picking up geography like nothing.  He cuts well and his writing is legible!  (What more can you ask from a first grader?!?!)

*But perhaps the most surprising is Jacob.  He has not been interested in anything very academic AT ALL up to this point.  He has his blocks and he is happy.  But suddenly, it is as if a switch has been flicked in his brain.  He is getting "serious" over his "schoolwork."  He is a cutting fool and has got quite a bit figured out in the letters and sounds department.  He REALLY likes rhyming and is getting better at writing.  His Math is not too shabby either.  Who knew?

*Paul is. . . well, he is enthusiastic, but let's be real, he is ONLY THREE.  So he keeps trying to do what his big brother Jacob is doing, but although he has the desire, he does not really get it all that much yet.  He is a wiz on puzzles, though (real, connecting puzzles - not those wimpy one piece in one slot jobbies), and loves to cut and color.  So I think he is on track for pre-school.

2) Homeschooling this year is AMAZING so far!!  And I think a lot of it has to do with better scheduling on my part.  Last year I never really came up with a real workable schedule.  I think it was because I was still of the mindset that I needed to run our "homeschool" like "real school" and that really was not working for us.  So I fought with that all year and we ended ok, but it was really frustrating for a long time.  This year I am more realistic about things.  We are not going to cover EVERY subject EVERY day.  Some subjects are really important to me and we will cover those (such as Catholicism, Scripture, Reading, Writing).  Most other subjects are at least twice a week with some special exceptions.  So far it is working well for us, but I foresee more tweaking in the future as I feel out if we need to add curriculum or take some things out.  Anyhow, if you are curious to step into the "heart of our homeschool" feel free to click here for our "schedule."  (Side note: We have a different schedule for each week day.  That is just how we roll around here.)

3) Homeschooling this year is AMAZING so far!!  And it is partially due to one of my oldie but goodie ideas that I call the "visual track."  I make it up in a spreadsheet document.  I actually do this in lieu of lesson plans.  Each "lesson" (however I want to break it down - a page, a few pages, a chapter, etc) is put in its own box.  The columns are the subjects (or book titles).  As they complete each "lesson" they color in the correct box.  This way we know EXACTLY where we are and where we are going. We all love it very much.

4) Homeschooling this year is AMAZING so far!!  And part of it it is because of these cool desks we picked up off the local want-ads.  They were from an old high school that shut down.  They work great because. . . there is no need to shift the chair, they can be easily hauled all over the living room (as I put pads under the feet and we have hardwood), they really do not take up much room, and THE KIDS ALL LOVE THEM!!

5) Homeschooling this year is AMAZING so far!!  And perhaps a  little of it is due to the fact that I was able to get quite a bit of cleaning/organizing done in "the study" before the year started.  Thanks so much to Nana and Papa (my parents) and Grandpa and Grandma (Gordie's folks) for each taking the kids for a couple days so I could paint more on my house and do organizing/cleaning/school prep.

"The Study" (aka where we store a bunch of stuff and sometimes do schoolwork - we really like to do our school work all over the house and outside some too - we are just cool like that :)

"The Study" from the inside looking out.

6) I am still working on getting the house painted.  It is taking forever and I knew it would.  It does not help that I am NOT a neat painter AT ALL.  So I often have to go back and touch up several times for it to look "presentable" but I am definitely getting closer.  I'm hoping to have it all done before it snows.  We shall see how that goes. . .

I KNOW I have a picture of our house in all it's original green and off-white glory, but I CANNOT find it.  (It does not help that I have changed computers at least six times since taking it.  I know it exists. . . somewhere. . . I'm just not sure where right now.)  Anyhow, this is an OLD picture (that is Rebekah and Samuel on the stairs) but it shows some of the original color and paint scheme.
Again, this is to show you the original colors of the house (not a great picture for it, but you can kinda make it out).  And I should note, the door is the same color green (even though it is open in this picture and you cannot really tell).
Hello Cherry Cobbler Red!!  Yum yum! :)

And new color scheme, complete with new door color.  It practically looks brand new!!
7) Rebekah is REALLY into reading and I LOVE THAT!!  Gordie really likes reading.  Seriously, that man reads books like most people watch TV.  He reads a book every night!  (ok, not a whole book, but he is reading a book - and I mean, for several hours)  Anyhow, I like reading, too and I think it is very important.  I am so glad that Rebekah has lots of time to enjoy reading at her leisure.

8) I mentioned in my last journal post that Miriam likes to wear pants (or shorts).  Well, here are some shots of her in her "pjs of choice" (the onsesie is what I WOULD put her to bed in, the shorts are her addition that she INSISTS upon).

Rebekah is "helping" her smile here.  She often gives me a good smile initially when I pull out the camera, but my camera is ALWAYS too slow to catch it .  (Usually it has to charge the flash - dumb regular battery-powered camera - such a pain!!)

Miriam likes Paul's bed a lot.
9) I tried to take a picture of the kids after Mass this morning. . . Miriam was not really in favor of this endeavor.

Oh brothers :)