Journal #23
(Do I really only have 23 "journal" posts for the year? And was my last one really in August?!?! Oh well, you get what you get, don't throw a fit :)
Out My Window:
Snow, glorious snow. I believe we have a high today of seven degrees. As cold as that sounds, everyone in this house is pretty happy as we have had such a mellow winter so far, it was freaking me out and disappointing the children.
Clothing Myself In:
Jeans (that used to be too big and now just fit. . . I find it difficult to have patience with my body after having a baby :( ), an M.S. Bike-a-thon t-shirt and a pair of the hubby's wool socks (hey, I need to see if I got him a decent pair for Christmas, you know :)
Around the House:
It is still Christmas!! Did I mention that yet?? Well I feel like I need to shout it, because it makes me happy and so many people don't believe me and I think they are just missing out. Here is our Jesus, resting oh so comfortably on the strings of the children's good deeds in Advent.
I thought it would not be so difficult to find space for our Christmas toys this year since they were mostly legos or kinex, both of which we already have large tubs to contain. However, I seem to have overlooked how both of these types of toys vomit all over the room - and into the next - and then get broken and pieces end up everywhere!! I will let them out a few more days and then make them pick them up soon - for my sanity. The funny thing is that the kids seem to "get" my moods (or maybe they feel the same) and often comply easily enough on picking them all up for a bit.
I just moved the couch, about a half hour ago - so it sticks out into the living room. Mostly I did it because I have a rope hanging from an old hook (long story) that the kids can climb and they were climbing/jumping off the couch (which is not allowed, btw) on said rope. So I moved the couch out almost ninety degrees to "compensate." We shall see how long it lasts. . . or if it solves the problem.
Also, cleaning. . . is it just me, or does anyone else ever wonder WHERE DOES ALL THIS DIRT COME FROM!! Seriously, I miss one day of sweeping and I have PILES!! I really need to teach my kids to sweep better so they can deal with it. (Although I was kind-of hoping their sweeping skills would simply improve with time/practice - unassisted practice that is!)
The Baby:
She is six-months-now. She is quite unique from the other children in that she is considerably smaller for her age. She was in the 5oth percentile (for everything, head, weight, and length) at her last check-up (and will go in for her six-month-check next week). All the other children were either in the 90s or off the charts as babies, seriously. She seems to be developing a little slower, too. . . but it is probably not a big deal - nothing to be concerned over anyhow. She can roll around, but does not do it much. She is not crazy about being on her tummy and will often roll on her back as quickly as possible. She is quite content to lay on her back and bat at her hanging toys, or put them in her mouth. She is not scooting or locomoting much at all. Perhaps that is because everyone comes to her?? She does not sit up or pull up or anything crazy like that. She will stand a bit if you hold her hands, but would not get in such a position on her own.
She still likes to suck her thumb. I think I would rather have her take a pacifier as then I could decide when she could have it! But she does what she does.
I had a breast infection several weeks back and I have been concerned about my milk production since. About three or four weeks ago, I finally got it back up to were I am not really "worried" about her getting enough milk but I still notice that she is considerably less satisfied on one side. And who wants to have lopsided boobs?!?! Generally, though, I think her increased fussiness lately has to do with her attempt to get teeth maybe?? And/or the insanity of the holidays (as she does not rest well away from HER crib).
The Kids:
They have enjoyed the holidays and extended family fun. They are happy with their toys and generally loving this season. I only wish I could spend more time playing with them, but the call of housework and "projects" is too strong to resist right now as they are otherwise occupied.
I finally am almost caught up putting pictures in albums. (And I was about three years behind, so this is huge, people!!) Hopefully I can stay on top of this now that I am caught up and have a good system going. The kids and I really enjoy looking at these albums.
Some day I am going to pick up my knitting needles again but they will have to wait until my arms are empty of Zipporah as she has made it clear that when she nurses, I am not to be engaged elsewhere!!
I actually finished a book the other day. It has probably been about a year since that happened. In case you were curious, it was Little Women. And I don't think I have ever read it before, even though it seemed familiar (I must have come across the title in school at some point). In any case, I enjoyed it and finished it and now I am starting Emma by Jane Austin. Yay for old classics.
And to add to the excitement, shortly after finishing Little Women, I also finished Getting the Marriage Conversation Right. It is a short book about how to promote and defend traditional marriage in non-religious terms and I highly recommend it for all. Very clear. Easy to read. And it made me think. I am considering getting some more copies to pass out to some of my friends.
And my current reading consists of two books by the same author, Katy Bowman, over similar stuff. Alignment Matters and Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain. I started the Alignment Matters book a while back and enjoyed it, but got busy and put it down. Now I am seeing how some of this stuff REALLY makes sense, so I read more and picked up the book on foot pain, not because I have foot pain necessarily, but because it is considered her "introduction book" to what she is about - even though the book is really about foot pain, it is more than that, too. In any case, she has some notions that really blow my mind. I joined a facebook group about alignment and restorative exercise and am finding much fruit in the practices and ideas. This will most likely be its own blog post in the future. Oh and if you want to check her out on your own, she has a blog.
Bringing Me Joy:
*Zipporah! As much as she has been so fussy and difficult to deal with over the past few months, she is truly a treasure I love. When she smiles and coos or falls asleep on me. . . well, let's just say those are moments I find deep contentment.
*My husband. He has been showing signs of maturity (shhh don't tell him) and beginning to really step up his care of the kids and offering to help me - even in tasks he thinks are somewhat a waste of time. It is really sweet.
*Getting fresh flowers. Today I took all six children with me to the store because we had been gone and needed EVERYTHING. As I was leaving, the florist handed me a bouquet saying that I deserved one for bringing my whole family out in the cold.
General pictures to share:
This was shortly after our first extended family Christmas. |
Rebekah braided Miriam's hair. So sweet, right? :) |
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Rebekah was Mary, Samuel was the "blue" wise man, Paul was the shepherd with the brown "hat." (on the end). They all did great in the Christmas pageant during the children's Mass at church. |
Samuel helped Zipporah open her Christmas gift. She was enthralled, especially with the paper. |
Zipporah's Godparents got her an ornament. I think she approves :) |
"The Kids" (and me, as I was trying to keep Zipporah happy) at Gordie's extended family Christmas. |
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