Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rebekah is 8-years-old!

It feels like forever and no time at all.

Happy Birthday Rebekah!!

*She enjoys reading. . . a lot (just like her Dad).  She will seriously sit with a book in her hand all day if I let her.  And I often have to tell her to put the book DOWN to do something. (for example: "Rebekah, put the book down so you can put your clothes on," or "Put the book down while walking!")

*Rebekah has both tomboy and girly girl in her.  She likes to get dressed up and play with make-up, but she likes to get outside and get dirty, too.

*For her birthday this year we got her gifts, of course, but I also decided it was time for more responsibility, so she got more chores, too.  Hooray for being 8-years-old!!  Added to her regular chores are: sweeping the floor after meals, mopping the floor on Mom's request, helping load the dishwasher, and baking muffins and/or bread for breakfast!

*Rebekah is really into art right now.  She has been drawing a lot and painting some.  She is definitely fueling her creative side lately.

*She is an AMAZING helper around the house and with her little sister, Miriam.  She also keeps the boys in line. . . but she definitely shows more love and affection to Miriam.


*Her favorite color is pink (as if you had to ask).

*Favorite meal: meatballs (Gordie's mom's recipe)

*Favorite piece of clothing: the skort (skirt-looking for the "girly" girl but shorts under for functional "tomboy" play)

*Favorite school subject: Reading, followed by Art, and then Science experiments!

Happy Birthday, dear Rebekah!  The world is a brighter place with you in it!  You have an amazingly sweet heart and clever mind.  I love having you in our family.  May God continue to bless you and form you into a woman after His own heart!