Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

So my daughter does a lot of coloring and craft projects at school. And here is what I do with them. I actually really enjoy them. Just thought I'd share.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Advent

I have been meaning to post on this for some time, but. . . my time is not my own - and it seems if I want any to do anything other than is requried, lately I have to steal time from when I should be sleeping!! But I guess that teaches obedience, right?

In any case, the following is from the Office of Readings, Friday of the First Week of Advent. I just LOVE it and have it bookmarked and have read it over and over. I'm only going to type the first few paragraphs but that gives you a taste. I hope it moves you as much as it moves me.

From the Proslogion by Saint Anslem, bishop:

Insignificant man, escape from your everyday business for a short while, hide for a moment from your restless thoughts. Break off from your cares and troubles and be less concerned about your tasks and labors. Make a little time for God and rest a while in him.

Enter into your mind's inner chamber. Shut out everything but God and whatever helps you seek him; and when you have shut the door, look for him. Speak now to God and say with your whole heart: I seek your face; your face, Lord, I desire.

I have been trying to focus on Peace this Advent. But God has been asking me to surrender. I can peacefully surrender on the outside - not yelling at the kids, doing what I should, not throwing a fit or acting out. But on the inside. . . I am anything but peaceful. Sometimes I wonder as I sit peacefully waiting for something, if the person next to me can hear me yelling in my head. God is asking me to surrender. . . on the inside. . . I'll let you know if He wins or not :)

Oh and something a bit less reflective. . . here are a few of my favorite titles in our Advent/Christmas library:

The Story of Christmas

The Crippled Lamb

Room for a Little One

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Small Successes

1) Took three kids, aged 3 and under, to the doctor on Tuesday (two to see the doc and one because he goes where I go) and received a compliment for being so patient with my children.

2) Mopped the floors today. (Sounds like nothing, but the floors were getting VERY bad and our regular routine has flown out the window with me and the kids not feeling so well this week.)

3) Took the time to let my kids play outside on the playground today - which included pushing two of them on the swings for at least 10 min (would have been longer but Paul started to fuss and try to eat the rubber pieces - yuck).

Join me in sharing your successes on the Faith and Family Life website.

Preparing for Christ's coming

So, I feel like I have had my arm twisted now and must post about our Advent activities. First, my friend Monica had to make an amazing post with tons of creativity and general amazingness. Then my friend Karen posted about her Christmas preparations and even mentioned me, so now I feel I must comply and let you all know what is happening in our household.

I'll start with a few silly things that mean a lot to me and you might not have stopped to think about before. First, here is our tree, complete with presents. It was actually up before Thanksgiving (which I only recommend if you are not hosting). Yes, I had most of my presents bought long before we should be "thinking" about Christmas - since it just gets earlier and earlier each year. . . but wait, why should we not think about Christmas ALL YEAR?? What could be more important? Well I would venture to say only Easter would be more important (although I'm not sure that is theologically correct, or even that you could really say one is more important than the other - Easter proved Jesus is God, but if Jesus had never been born, Easter would never have happened). In any case, good planning - ahead of time is just that, good (in my humble opinion). Don't think I'm down on Thanksgiving or anything, but I feel there is room for more than just turkey, thankfulness, and remembering the Saints and our deceased loved ones during October and November. But to make my final point, why start early? This way I am able to prayerfully enjoy Advent. Our tree was up and our Advent wreath ready for the first Sunday of Advent. That makes me happy. I like to be prepared. And this is really a theme for Advent in general.
Be watchful and ready for you know not when the Son of Man is coming.

Secondly, as cheesey as it is, I find it important to put up an outdoor nativity scene. With all the pretty lights and such, I think it is important that we get reminding of WHY we do what we do and it all comes down to Jesus coming into the world. I do usually try to make it look nice with lights around it and such, but I have not gotten that far this year because sickness hit our house and we are still recovering. In any case, the main characters are out. Oh and my kids LOVE it. They always "say hello" to Jesus when we leave the house and then when we get back, while they are waiting for me to get the door unlocked, they "visit" with Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In fact, the other night, Rebekah wanted to go out on the porch and "see Jesus" again after dinner.
Now, on to the more traditional Advent activities. . .

Here is our advent wreath. We usually light it during dinner - although I have thought of possibly having it lit for lunch, as well, but I'm afraid my candles won't last if I do that. It is on a platter because it retires to the top of the bookshelf between meals.
Here is a book I just bought and am enjoying immensely. It has prayers in it. Not a lot, but they are simple prayers that the kids seem to understand and there are pictures. We have been saying one of these prayers when we light the advent wreath.
Here is our basic nativity scene. This one is all one piece so it is a little more durable. I often set it on the table or the top of our wood-burning stove - somewhere close, so the kids can enjoy it.
Here is our a-bit-more-fragile nativity scene. Notice the absence of Jesus :)
This is a book, calendar thingy that my Mom got for us this year.
It has 24 little books inside it that you can read and then hang on the tree. It seems promising, but so far I am not overly impressed as the books do not appear to be geared much for children (of course, so far we have only done one - we started it on December 1st as there are 24 so it will end on Christmas eve).
And finally, perhaps the most important advent preparation. . . I am not really adding extra specific prayers for myself. I'm just trying to be faithful to what I feel called to at this time: Morning Prayer & Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours (the office of readings if I can squeeze it in), a weekly adoration holy hour, and a few minutes in my bible every day, along with spiritual reading as I am able. But perhaps even more, in the midst of my every-day chores, I am trying to seek peace in each moment. Every time the baby cries or my kids wipe jelly on my freshly washed jeans or spill their milk (again). . .whatever, I am trying to stop from blowing up and instead seeking peace. I am especially trying to keep the sense of peace as I am out and about in the grocery store or at school. Everyone seems all hyper and excited at this time of year (with good reason, if it is excitement for Jesus coming :) but we need to prepare our hearts and I think mine is best prepared by seeking Jesus in the quiet - even if that quiet is only noticeable deep inside my soul.
Blessings to all this season!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whiney Wednesday

1) Can I just say "the baby" and leave it at that? He is such a social nut - he is fine if he is the center of attention, but the second I try to get something done. . . Does he have to wail CONSTANTLY?!?! He is not sleeping so well, he wiggles when you try to hold him. He seems to want to nurse all the time (and especially at times when it is MOST inconvenient - as when I had both sick big brothers at the doc office and she is trying to look them over). Gosh, I love him, I know, but he is adding a new level of difficulty to pretty much everything else that needs to be done.

2) Sleep. . . the thought of a full night of sleep. . . oh my. Lately the baby has been waking up at least 2 or 3 times. Then one or two of the other children (who normally would not wake up) have been waking up, needing assistance or "scared," etc. The worst is that I could just have them get in bed with us (we have a king-size futon on the floor - plenty of room, no need to worry about falls), but you run the risk of having to wash the sheets in the morning (which is a royal pain since our mattress protector is coming apart as it is and the more I wash it, the closer it gets to its final days - and of course there is no money to replace it right now). So I try to get them back to their bed which means waking up pretty fully and often climbing out of warm covers to coax them back where they belong.

3) On top of it all I am sick. Not falling down "I'm gonna die" sick, but just sick enough to be miserable. Just sick enough to forget things like appointments or where Rebekah's library books are, but not sick enough to look sick when people see me out and about. You know what I mean? Let's hope so cause I just lost my voice so I can't tell you.
For info on Whiney Wednesday, click here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Small Successes

1) I have become a regular at weekly adoration. I can't always make at exactly the same time as the baby is not quite consistent on his bedtime, but I have made it a priority and so far so good. It has also been so helpful to have a supportive husband that understands how important this is to me and to us.

2) I have recently been complimented on how well my kids listen and I credit this to reading lots of books to them. My 5-year-old scored in the top 10% for listening at school and my 2-year-old will sit and listen to a fairly lengthy book (not typical 2-year-old behavior) with great interest. Plus I just enjoy the heck out of sitting on the couch, snuggling with all the kiddos as they are enraptured with my every word. I think our favorites are Dr Seuss books. I love rhyme.

3) I have started realizing that some of my motivation for doing some things is jealousy. Now I am aware of it and have gotten over it so that dark cloud no longer lingers over my day or gets in the way of true friendship.

To participate in Small Successes, click here for details.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Whiney Wednesday

1) So I have finally gotten back to my pre-prego weight (but the plan is to go much further down so even though this sounds like a small success, read on for the whine :) and did the great clothes sort (exiling the plus-size clothing to two containers and moving them out of my room). However, I managed to miss one pair of underwear which I happened to grab this morning. As silly as it sounds, too large underwear makes for almost constant wedgies!! Seriously, talk about annoying. In any case, I thought of changing it, once I realized what the deal was, but then I thought, every little bit of suffering counts in the big picture right? God has a sense of humor :)

2) My son has recently discovered he can turn his ride-on toy truck over and spin the wheels and if he holds a toy on the wheel, it makes noise. This fascinates him to no end. I find it incredibly annoying to say the least. But I can't make myself ask him to stop as this a science project in the works. Where are the earmuffs? (Oh and now he is demanding I watch him conduct his experiment - again and again and again. . . . )

3) The baby is having issues sleeping lately. That could be the whine, but what bothers me even more than that is that his issues with sleeping are affecting MY TIME to exercise in the morning. I get up at 5am - sometimes earlier even - so I can work my body out to stay in shape and healthy. This is MY TIME. But apparently the baby seems to think he can demand my attention at any time he chooses. And you know, I think I might actually not mind stopping my work-out to nurse him if A) it meant he actually went back to sleep and let me get back to my exercise in a reasonable amount of time and/or B) I did not sweat so much cause it is just difficult to snuggle a nursing baby back to sleep when I look and feel like I forgot my umbrella.

(Oh well, I guess I should be grateful that my baby is helping me rid myself of this possessive attitude. All time belongs to God - it was never mine to begin with, right? :)

To take part in Whiney Wednesday, check out the "rules" here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good article - very true

A while back I stumbled upon some good catholic family life blogs whose authors I don't know personally, but find encouraging, insightful, and full of good ideas. In any case, one of these blog authors also wrote this article. And I think it is very good, speaking of humility and parenting.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Moby Wrap

I have been borrowing this Moby Wrap from a friend, trying to decide if I need to add one to my collection of carriers. Since I think in lists, I have been trying to decide if the pros are worth the cons and such. Unfortunately, even though I think in lists, I can't seem to remember the entire list in my head, so I figured I'd put it down here in case anyone else was considering a Moby Wrap (or has one and would like to add to the pros or cons I have listed). So, the following is my carrier review for The Moby Wrap.


1) Very comfortable. The wide shoulders and tying it around the waist make this a very comfortable wrap to carry a baby in (even a heavy baby - mine is 20lbs+).

2) Baby is held quite securely. I feel very comfortable doing things and moving around without a hand on baby. I do not have this kind of secure feeling with any of my other carriers.

3) Baby's legs are not too far apart. This is an issue with another carrier I have, but obviously it is not an issue here.

4) Baby can be worn facing in, out, or on the back (facing in). I have not tried on the back, but I imagine it could be good (assuming I can figure out how to get the kid on there on my own). I have enjoyed both facing in and facing out positions. My only trouble with facing in would be that close proximity to certain parts of my anatomy tends to remind baby of his favorite past-time (nursing). I have also heard you can nurse in the wrap. (I imagine your baby would need to be a little smaller than mine for this to be done discreetly, but it does look promising.)

5) Covering baby in the carrier does not seem to be an issue (for winter and all). It is fairly easy to drape a blanket over him and tuck it in at key points, or just zip him into my jacket (as I tend to wear larger jackets anyhow).

6) This is a good carrier for a larger baby (like my 20lb lovebug). In front-pack carriers (like a snuggle or baby Bjorn), there are set sizes for baby, but this carrier naturally adapts to fit baby's size.


1) It does take a minute or two to get yourself wrapped. I have not had too much trouble, but when every second counts (as it already takes us 30min to get ready to go ANYWHERE, this is one more thing to do before you leave).

2) Baby's face is kind of exposed (especially as it is coming on winter and of course, the wind blowing in any season).

3) It is kind of warm as there is a lot of fabric over you. With winter, this is not so much of a complaint, but I imagine it will get hot in the summer. Of course, I have yet to find a carrier that does not get hot in the summer. In fact, the very act of carrying extra weight on your frame is enough to make your body warm up, so unless a carrier came with its own air conditioning unit it is going to make you warmer during use, end of story.

Price: Looks like roughly $40, depending on where you shop. I would list this under pros (as it does not seem unreasonable to me), but price is really a private issue, to be decided upon personally.

So there you have my review. It looks like I am more in-favor of it than against it. Do you have anything to add?

Crazy Hair Day

Last week was Red Ribbon week at school. The kids got to do something special every day to help promote saying no to drugs. Friday was crazy hair day. Here is Rebekah with her somewhat tame (because I am NOT a hair stylist) but still fun, crazy hair.

Whiney Wednesday

1) I am tired. I am behind enough as it is, but being tired makes even the simplest things difficult - I can't even think straight, let alone have energy to do stuff!

2) My children are beginning behaviors that I knew would come, but I find quite trying and am not sure I have the patience for! To be less vague, Samuel has begun baiting Jacob (through words or gesture - you know how kids can be annoying - not quite touching you but close enough) and then when Jacob gets mad and hits, bites, or cries (because that is how he reacts to being picked on), Samuel comes running to me as if he was just an innocent bystander that the evil Jacob decided to lash-out on. I'm really trying to nip this in the butt, but gosh is overwhelming to focus on when I have six other things going on (as is the life of a stay-home-mom).

3) Did I mention that I am tired yet? Oh and the baby is crying again. Yep, that should be my third whine - needy baby! Need I say more? - hah :)

To participate in Whiney Wednesday (and keep this all in perspective) check out the details here.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Small Successes

1) Daily Mass this morning with all the kids. (Rebekah was supposed to go with her class but there was a mix up). In any case we all survived.

2) Came to the conclusion that I really don't like heavily processed food - and would choose my own cooking creations (for everything from meals to snacks and desserts) over all else. (Seems like a small thing but I never really thought this day would come.)

3) Avoided a melt-down with my son by taking the time to calmly answer him (for the 5,763 time - same question mind you), rather than getting angry.

Join the Small Success fun at the Faith and Family website.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whiney Wednesday

1) Flys - What are you still doing in my house? It is cold and you all should have died out by now. Why must you keep landing on my head, over and over and over?!?! Ok, so I used fruity shampoo this morning, couldn't you have figured out after the first 6 tries that MY HAIR IS NOT FRUIT SO MOVE ON!! Sheesh (oh and the baby is not fly food so quit bothering him - he is miserable enough - see next whine)

2) The baby - Captain Fussy Pants is what I have been referring to him as because he is just miserable. He does not want to be laid on his back or his side or his tummy. He does not want in his jumper or his bumbo seat. He does not want in his high chair or the stroller or the carseat. He does not have gas or want his legs run. The only thing that seems to calm him is carrying him around (no, not in a carrier or sling - he arches and wiggles) in my arms. Nursing helps a little, but even while nursing he fusses and pulls off and wants back on and arches his back and cries. His poor little lips are getting chapped and red (and I really don't know why - he has not been outside much lately). On top of him being miserable is me getting concerned that if he does not get some tummy time/floor time, he will never be able to sit up or roll over properly "on schedule" and then of course, he will walk way too late, and only after my doctor and everyone else has thoroughly chastised me for not taking the proper precautions to be sure my son developed at the "appropriate rate." - Stupid fly again - grrrr. . .

3) My foot hurts. The top of it hurts. It hurts enough to be annoying and interrupt my work-out but not enough to try and get a doctor's appointment. It has hurt for several weeks (ok maybe just three or so) and I am FRUSTRATED with it. You see, I NEED to work-out or I get a little crazy (well, a little MORE crazy I guess) and this silly foot is really getting in the way. I have tried rest, ice, and to diagnose my problem via the internet (which really was fruitless gesture - it could be a million different problems!!) In any case, it needs to get itself figured out because I'm tired of not being able to push myself in my work-out (or not working out at all more days than I like) and worst of all it is making me feel old.
This, too, shall pass. . . I hope. . .

If you want to join in the whining fun, click here for the rules.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just some pics

Nana reading to her boys.

Rebekah at the park

Jacob at the park

Paul at the park

Rebekah pushing Paul

Enjoying snowballs after the park - it WAS Sunday and I only gave them about a fourth of a cup each - sheesh stop making me feel guilty! :)

I love you!

My 2-year-old, Jacob, does not have a lot of words yet. He is a little behind for his age, however, his expressive language is growing.

Here is a cute video of him talking this morning. Daddy had just left for work and I had told him to tell Daddy, "I love you."

P.S. Paul is in the video, too - acting all adorable :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

S'mores :)

The kids were rather unsure about this whole event. Rebekah and Samuel have roasted marshmallows one other time at Grandma and Grandpa's but this is such a different setting, I'm not sure if they would consider the two events to be all that similar. This was the first time for Jacob and he was most puzzled, to say the least.

I finally gave up trying to nurse Paul to sleep (as it was past his bedtime) and let him sit and enjoy the family fun. Surprisingly he seemed rather interested and did not fuss much. . . until his blanket started falling off.

Mmmmm. . . .marshmallows. . .

Jacob is not so sure. I was not quick enough to capture the really good faces he was making (I was trying to hold Paul at this point and still take pictures) but he cautiously took the treat of absolute yumminess. . .

Here Jacob just got some marshmallow goo on his fingers and he looks at us as if to say, "Are you sure about this?" And I'm thinking, "You revel in making a mess of your dinner but you are sticking your nose in the air over a teeny-weeny bit of marshmallow gooey deliciousness?"

Jacob finally tried it. . . and it was very good!

Samuel only wanted the marshmallows - not the chocolate or crackers - No, I don't know whose kid he really is.

Rebekah - mmmmmmmm :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blessings for Today

So, I just have to make a list of good things that have happened lately. I realize they should go on the small successes bit at the end of the week, but I don't necessarily consider these successes - just blessings! It all started as I was trying to determine what my three main whines were. . . and each thing that came to mind started as a whine, but seemed to have a good ending. Read on to be as shocked as me - I guess this day has not been so bad after all!

1) I was as tired this morning - slept in too late - but still managed to get my work-out in and get the kids to school EARLY (mostly because the baby slept in so I left him home with Daddy). Thank you for the blessing of Paul sleeping in.

2) I decided to walk to see Great Grandma today (about 25 min walk from my house) and neither of the kids cried (well, Paul whimpered a little) even though it was a long walk in the not-as-comfy-as-the-others stroller (only duo stroller we have - but it is definitely humble). Paul even fell asleep on the way home! Thank you for the blessing of the baby not crying and then sleeping.

3) Although it was frigid on the way to take Samuel to school, but the time Jacob, Paul, and I were ready to go to Grandma's, the weather was AMAZING (not too hot and not too cold). Thank you for such beautiful weather and a chance to be out in it.

4) Even though we got a later start for Great Grandma's than I wanted, she seemed to enjoy our visit. Thank you for for blessing us with such an amazing Great Grandma who takes what she gets and is happy to have it.

5) Even though I was dying of thirst and getting very hungry (pushing my two heavy-weights in the stroller really takes it out of me), we got to stop on our walk home after picking up Samuel and watch a guy in a bucket cut several limbs off a tall tree - way up high. Fortunately, Paul was sleeping so he did not mind waiting and Samuel and Jacob were absolutely mesmerized. Thank you for letting us stumble upon this rare event that the children enjoyed so much.

6) I was worried that Paul would cry while I tried to grab something quick for lunch, but not only was a I able to get lunch all ready with no fuss, Paul was able to entertain himself for 10 minutes more (with only minimal whimpering) so I was able to actually eat lunch at the table with the boys. Thank you for the baby being ok to sit for a minute so I could eat lunch at the table instead of while nursing him in the easy chair.

7) After such a crazy morning, I expected a fussy baby that would need the attention he had been missing in the stroller an during lunch but he is now sleeping. . . in his own crib. Who knows for how long - but at least it has been long enough for me to share so many blessings and to realize (in an incredibly redundant way :) that I AM SO BLESSED TODAY! (And probably every day if I take a moment to realize it.)

Whiney Wednesday

Well, after some thought I guess I only have one whine to share.

1) I am hungry. . . but I'm trying to not eat so much. It seems simple but that is definitely my pebble for today. . . or at least for this moment.

To participate in Whiney Wednesday, check out the rules here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This seemed right on the money today

I am currently reading the book Father Elija by Michael D. O'Brien. And a passage (p.122) I came across this morning really struck me.

"You want to be a saint, Billy. But you want to be a saint on your own terms. You want glorious victories with your sword; most of all, you want victories over your personal weaknesses and faults."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It is a good desire, but it can also be a kind of idealism masking pride."

"Who is the saint? The one who obeys God in his weakness, the one who demands every admirable quality before he sets forth on his quest?"

"Put that way, it's obvious."

"You accused me of romanticism a few days ago. Aren't all of us romantics who want our armor to shine and our swords to flash and our bella figura to draw many admiring glances as we make battle for God?"

It is not really necessary to understand the external parts of this passage. Two men are talking and this is what they say and oh how I find it so true about myself! I keep telling God I will do His will as soon as I get my own act cleaned up. Once I have my house finally organized and clean, once my kids learn their manners and their catechism, once I am able to restrain myself at table and in the store, once I lose another 20lbs, get my hair cut, and finally get my nails done. THEN, I will look good enough and be ready to do what God wants. Until then. . . well, I guess He'll just have to wait or help with MY list.

And God says - "hahahahahaha - If you would just let go of all these things that YOU think are important (however noble they may be - and however true it may be that you need to improve in these areas) and let ME tell you what I want right now. Let ME use you in your weakness, that My power may be made perfect and all these THINGS you think are so important (which are actually weighing you down as you try to conquer them alone) I can take from you, giving you instead peace and a task that is easy for you to bear.

As Saint Paul says, "for whenever I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10)

And as Jesus says, "Come to me all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy , and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

And again, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid." (John 14:27)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I surrender

I just thought I'd share what has been going through my head today as I try to offer up my struggles. . . "I surrender." I've said it a million times. I've probably sang it many more than that. I've used this word for YEARS but suddenly it just means so much more to me and I'm not sure why, but I'm glad. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm still trying to do things my way and do the things I think are important, but I've just tried today to stay a little more focused and every time I have gotten frustrated I pull myself back (mentally) and think, "God, I surrender this. What do you want here?"

So, this is me sharing. How about you? What has been your watch-phrase lately?