Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Being Thankful in Advent

I have decided that during Advent I am going to try to find something to be thankful for each day. As Advent started on Sunday and it is now Wednesday I guess I am a little slow to start, but better lat than never would be a fitting motto here so. . .

December 2 - I am thankful for my family. I have a wonderful husband and three amazing kids (with another on the way). I am so blessed - thank you God for my family :)

December 3 - Today I am thankful for my health. I have never been quite perfect (always been a bit heavy and my proportions would never get me a career as a model) but I have been blessed with a good strength of body with no major complaints (yet - heh). Thank you God for my health thus far.

December 4 - I am thankful for my home. It is not the newest house. It could use some minor repairs (or maybe some not-so-minor remodeling) but it has enough room for us to feel comfortable and we can afford it! I am so thankful for our home.

December 5 - I am thankful for my eyeglasses (and my contacts - but I don't wear them much). As I lay in bed the other night it dawned on me that I would not be able to do. . .well my abilities would be VERY limited without being able to see clearly (as my natural eyesight is rather poor). So thank you God for glasses!

December 6 - I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me so much! (More than I can comprehend I believe.)

December 7 - Today I am thankful for hot water!! I was thinking how grateful I am for it as I imagined climbing into a cold shower in this frigid weather. . .I don't think I could make myself do it. Wooohoo, hot water :)

December 8 - Today I am thankful that Mary said yes to God and conceived Jesus for us. In the Church today we celebrate Mary's Immaculate Conception (her being conceived without sin) so that she could be stainless for Jesus to come through.

December 9 - I am feeling grouchy today - not very thankful - so I asked Gordie to help me out. He said he is thankful for meat. Sounds good - Thank you God for meat we can eat!

December 10 - Today I am thankful for our car. It works well (even on ice and snow) and gets us all where we need to go.

December 11 - I am thankful for our work-out room and my exercise videos. If I had not found such amazing videos and some decent equipment - coupled with a space to use this stuff - I know I would be VERY frustrated right now as we do not have money for the local health club and it is too cold outside to go running (not to mention my body does not seem to like it much anymore anyhow). So thank you, God for our "home gym." :)

December 12 - Today I am thankful that I am not afraid of cooking. (Notice I did not label myself a "good" cook - I would not go so far.) I make a few good dishes and most of the others are edible. I am thankful that I have finally reached the point where I would rather eat my own cooking than eat out! (Not to say I don't like eating out for other reasons - mind you :)

December 13 - I am thankful for our basement. It is nice to have a place to go during "crazy" weather and I am convinced the kids take longer naps because it is quieter down there.

December 14 - Today I am thankful for our washer & dryer.

December 15 - Today I am thankful for indoor plumbing cause it just dawned on me that going outside to squat in the cold would be. . . unpleasant.

December 16 - I am thankful we live close enough to school that we can walk on nice days like today (it is almost 45 degrees and the sun is shining! - even if there is still 2 feet of snow on the ground).

December 17 - I am thankful for peanut butter and jelly toast for breakfast - yum yum :)

December 18 - Today I am thankful for the blessing of another boy in our family! Thank you God for this new baby to come.

December 19 - Ummm. . . I think I'm thankful that I got to sleep in today (till 8 am - but that is sleeping in when I normally get up before 6) - but it has come at quite the price! (Craziness all morning since I woke up - heh)

December 20 - I am thankful for an amazing day with the extended family - no one was injured and I don't think any even got mad or anything - hehe - it was a good day with delicious food and lots of little ones with gifts.

December 21 - Today I am thankful for being stubborn. I have a lot to do today and I want to go eat chocolate and watch tv all day but I am going to try and do it all, no matter how difficult, just because I am stubborn. Grrrr. . . here I come!

December 22 - I am thankful that my husband has gotten up two days in a row at 5AM to exercise in the mornings (with me :) before he goes to work. What a commitment to health he is making - and for those of you who know him this sounds absolutely crazy (him awake before noon), doesn't it?

December 23 - Today I am thankful for my stove. I remember a time when our stove did not work and that made cooking a whole lot more challenging. We may not have the nicest stove but it works and I am able to make yummy food with it. (Last night we had homemade pizza that was AMAZING - still licking my lips, mmmmmmm :)

December 24 - I am thankful for being able to stay home with the kids. We don't live like kings, but blessed are the poor, and the minor sacrifices we make are so worth it for the quality time and fun the kids and I have together.

December 25 - I am thankful for Jesus coming among us! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Got your Christmas card today .... SO excited to see you guys keep a blog!!!! Can't wait to follow it. :)
