Monday, October 17, 2011

A new look.

 I am all about functionality.  So I grow my hair long and then when it annoys me (approximately every couple of years), I cut it short and donate it.  This way I only have to go to my hair dresser every couple years.  Last Saturday it was "time for a cut" again.  Here are so pictures to document.
I never knew how difficult it is to hold your hand steady to take a picture when not using the flash.

This one is "a little" better but you can't see my hair as much.

It does not look like much here, but it should be enough for Locks of Love to use.

From the back.

And the final product.  Again - taking my own picture - definitely not my area of expertise, but here ya go :)


  1. You look GREAT! I am in growing-out mode now, after chopping it too short and regretting it about a year and a half ago. I am just fickle when it comes to my hair. The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill when it comes to long/short for me. Yours looks adorable, way to rock both long and short, girl!!

  2. very cute! I hope I can get mine long enough to do that. I am just scared to cut mine too short. I am so glad there are people like you that are able to donate!
