Saturday, November 9, 2013

Journal #17

Out My Window:

It is a beautiful day.  A touch chilly with the wind (need a jacket and maybe a little more) but the sun is nice.

Clothing Myself In:

Some cute work-out pants and a bright orange work-out shirt, along with my good tennis shoes.  If you cannot tell I am hoping to work out at some point.  Unfortunately I am still waiting on my back to comply with this goal.  It has been off and on ok.  I'm hoping to sneak a walk in early this evening.  We shall see.

Around the House:

It feels like such a mess!!  First off, being home all day means things do NOT stay clean or tidy because we live here ALL DAY!!  I am still trying to deal with this.  In addition, with my back being questionable I have just not felt up to picking up as I usually do.  I know this too shall pass.  I keep trying to train the kids.  My new goal is to encourage them to pick up without making them feel like it is a burden.  So no rewards and no punishments, just DO IT!!

The Baby:

She is working on her last four teeth (all at once - she is a multi-tasker) but overall she is not too fussy.  She generally wakes up either early (like between 5 and 7am) to nurse or once in the night (randomly - could be midnight, could be 3am) - and this is after she has been sleeping pretty solidly through the night for several months.  But you win some, you lose some.  Soon she will be as big as her big sister (too big to carry to bed!!) and I do not long for that day.

The Kids:

Paul is working on his toileting habits.  He will tell that to anyone who walks in the door (first thing) and to complete strangers when we are out and about.  I hope and pray he figures it all out soon as there is simply no turning back now.  He went forward, he digressed, he struggled, and now it just needs to "click."  We are hopeful, if nothing else.

Jacob is copying his older brother, Samuel in pretty-much everything.  Fortunately, Samuel does not mind so much and he is really not that bad of a role model.  These two are playing together LIKE CRAZY and LOVING IT!!  Jacob is not really interested in "formal" school so I have given him a break for the year (as he is an August birthday, so I would not start him in Kindergarten till next year anyhow - if I were going to send him to school).  This means he basically sits and watches Samuel do his school work all morning, longing for the moment when I declare recess or that he is finished so they can play together.

Samuel is enjoying being the oldest boy, but I do have to call him out on behavior sometimes.  I can see how he is tempted to pick on his younger siblings (esp. Paul) because they are so gullible!  But he generally does ok and takes correction quickly (and shamefully).

Rebekah is really getting into all the extra-curricular activities that homeschooling allows for, such as cooking, piano lessons, and tons of art!  When I pester her, she will buckle down and catch up or get ahead in her regular studies, but then she is off doing her own made-up science experiments or just playing with her dolls and stuffed animals (such a good little Mamma to them).

Speaking of which, Rebekah is really into her "little family" right now, which consists of a giant pony pillow (Rainbow Dash), named Ruth, two beanie baby Siamese kittens called Kitty Pitty and (can't remember the other one now!) and a little lemur named Sarah.  She will change their clothes (pjs and regular clothes -she puts doll clothes on the kittens), line them up, tuck blankets on them, and snuggle them up somewhere she hopes her younger siblings will not find them when she is doing other things (like schoolwork) during the day. 

Side Note: Her sister Miriam LOVES the beanie baby kittens and will beg for them and steal them any chance she gets.  Paul also finds them fascinating and will try to get them when he notices them.

Rebekah went on a trip this weekend with a friend and as she was packing, she SERIOUSLY asked me if I would change "the girls'" pjs and such.  I gave her a look and told her they could survive in the same outfit while she was gone.  She gave me a look right back (with a little begging) and ended up asking Samuel to change them for her!!  (Unfortunately, it does not appear Samuel took that request very seriously - or maybe fully understood what she was asking as he has not touched them since she has been gone, but the whole episode sure does crack me up!)

In the Kitchen:

We have started making pizza on the menu for every Tuesday and now that I have another breadmaker I am able to make four pizza crusts!!  So I make two cheese and two meat pizzas, then freeze the two cheese for Friday, to use at either lunch or dinner.  Generally we have a burrito or taco meal one night a week also.  This really helps my brain some in the planning department.  Add pasta and maybe a crock pot chicken or some such and there is the week!  Thank God!  I really need to learn more recipes but now I'm just trying to stay afloat.  These kids can EAT!


My knitting bag is still missing.  I took it with me to Cup a Joe when my MOMS group met there several weeks ago.  I KNOW I had it there as I remember knitting while there.  But it never made it back to my van, so it MUST be somewhere in that building (which is a big old schoolhouse - and Cup a Joe is on the third floor and there are lots of rooms).  I'm wondering if it might be in the boys' bathroom as I had to go back up to wait for Samuel after already taking the kids to the car.  My aunt runs Cup a Joe and she said she did not see it in the actual coffee shop, but I do not remember if I asked her to check the bathroom or not.  I just hope and pray it turns up again.  I LOVED those knitting needles and really wanted to finish that scarf for my mom some day.  Plus my Montessori book was in there and there were a lot of good activities in there that I was eager to try!


I am enjoying Hinds Feet on High Places again and have recently discovered there is a sequel so I might be getting into that soon, as well.  Also, I like to read what Rebekah is reading so I might be checking out some Little House on the Prairie books soon, too (which I somehow missed reading as a kid, so I'm looking forward to it).

Bringing me Joy:

*My husband.  Sometimes he can be so thoughtful.

*Being with my kids all day.  I really appreciate watching them learn and play.

*Some new clothes I splurged on.

Thinking About:

How to decide what is important and needs to be done NOW and what can wait.  Trying to discern God's will at each moment.

Bible Verse:

They who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life, for my sake, will find it.  (Matthew 10:39)

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

"See where you are baptized, see where Baptism comes from, if not from the cross of Christ, from his death.  There is the whole mystery: he died for you.  In him you are redeemed, in him you are saved."  (CCC #1225 - quoting St. Ambrose)

Pictures to Share:

Rebekah as St Therese of the Child Jesus.

Paul as a dragon. . . he did have a "head" but did not like it much.

Samuel is Ironman and Jacob is Spiderman.

Rebekah drew this for me.

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