Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy Birth-Month Samuel!!

So Samuel had his birthday this month. . . earlier this month. . . but the month is not officially over for several more hours - hah - so I'm still good to go with this post I think.

Happy Birth-Month Samuel!  Nine-Years-Old!!!

*Samuel's favorite subject in school is Math because it just makes sense to him.  (And Mom suspects it is also because it often requires the least amount of writing to answer a question.)

*He really enjoys humor and often wants to share a good joke he has heard.

*Samuel LOVES TO TALK. . . kinda like his mom. . . 

*Samuel is an amazing helper in the kitchen!  He makes wonderful scrambled eggs and waffles.  He is also eager to assist in whatever way I may ask.

*This year I let Samuel light the candles on the Advent wreath.  He did not even burn the house down or anything.

*Samuel is my best cleaner/picker-upper/doer of what Mom and/or Dad say to do.  He often does whine a little, but when push comes to shove, he gets done what he is supposed to do - and generally does the best job of all his siblings, even his older sister that often gets distracted!

*Samuel enjoys roller skating and used his own money to buy a pair of skates last year.  He uses them on the sidewalk when the weather is nice.

*He learned to write in cursive this year and produces very nice handwriting when he really tries.

Dear God, thank you for the blessing of Samuel!  May you continue to mold him in grace and virtue, ever-closer to the man you desire him to be.  - Amen


  1. What a cutie!

    I am always amazed at the things your kids cook. I should let my kids use the kitchen a little more....

    1. Yeah, it has become more of a necessity (with my time getting pulled in so many directions between the babies and the homeschooling) to teach him and his older sister to cook. Now, I need to start letting them clean more - and not reloading the dishwasher after them, lol!! :)
