Friday, March 25, 2016

7 Quick Takes - catching up

1) We took a family hike at the local lake a while back on a nice day.

We have every intention of being a "naturey" family - we want to be a rough and tumble, play outside, hike around, survive in the wild-kind-of-family.  But as much as we try to live and encourage that, it is a tough "way" to learn, especially for littles (and perhaps we do not "teach" as well or as often as we could/should).  Thus, when we chose a three-mile-hike for our "family adventure" we did not expect it to be quite so grueling.  I mean, seriously, we live in Kansas.  If the land slopes at all we consider it a hill and we have NO CONCEPT of serious climbing or underbrush or anything that makes a "trail" really a challenge.  How hard can a little three-mile-trek be?  Well, the older kids (Rebekah, Samuel, Jacob, and Paul) did totally fine - carried their packs, kept up, enjoyed the "nature," and generally were helpful and pleasant.  Other than wanting to stop for water and snacks all too often (but in their defense we did not eat lunch - just brought hefty snacks - and we began our hike at about 1pm).  Even Miriam hiked pretty-much the whole thing (Gordie only carried her in a pack for a few minutes in the beginning) and had no trouble.  

Zipporah on the other hand managed to make everyone's lives a bit "less fun."  In her defense, it was naptime, and it was windy - not cold, but rather windy.  I had Rebekah carrying her in a soft backpack carrier to begin with because being in my third-trimester of this pregnancy I was not sure how I would do carrying both babies.  Gordie was wearing Miriam in the framed backpack carrier at this time.  Soon Zipporah grew tired of Rebekah and after trying her on Gordie, I tried to wear her.  She continued to fuss in every possible combination - hard carrier, soft carrier, mom or dad, etc.  Finally I figured I would just carry her in my arms if that would make her stop crying!!  But alas, even in my arms, she was frustrated and I had forgotten a blanket, so the wind kept stirring her and keeping her from dozing off.  We ended up skipping a bit of trail and cutting over to make it a touch shorter.  Zipporah cried for at least half of the hike and refused to be satiated.  Then, as we were SURE she would just crash out in the car, she showed us by staying awake the whole fifty-minute drive home!

Miriam and Paul trucking right along.  ---Yes, this is what "hiking" looks like in Kansas - not quite as fun as those areas in other states with trees, rivers, hills, mountains, etc., but it is our home and we do the best we can.

What an adventure.  But we did have fun and maybe when we try it again, not during "naptime" we will have more pleasant results.

2) Rebekah made a special gift for Grandma's birthday.

Whenever the kids visit Grandma (Gordie's mom), she has a few "rules" that go something like: "No whining, no crying, no shouting, no pouting."  She is often repeating those while the kids are there.  So Rebekah decided to make some signs for Grandma with those rules.

"No Shouting, No Pouting Zone.  Proceed with CAUTION."  I helped her outline the letters so you could see them better, but she did all the painting, including the background, by herself.

"No whining, no crying zone."  This one was done, in entirety, by Rebekah.

3) Paul "officially" finished all of his school work on Tuesday.

I should note, he finished everything but a few science lessons (which I have to read to him) about three weeks ago.  But now, he has every possible lesson and activity complete - and he was not even required to do it all - 95% in his major courses and 85% in his Science would be considered "mastery" (as they simply do more of a pass-fail-thing for our virtual school = either you master it our you do it again until you do).  Anyhow, as much as you might think "way to go Paul!!" I am not really celebrating and actually asked his teacher if she could find some more work for him!  This is because a bored Paul is a distracting Paul and one that begs for computer games all day.  While the games are educational, they can still be distracting to his siblings, plus all that screen time.  It is a battle now with him.  Although I have more "busy work" worksheets, handwriting, etc - Paul is smart and can get into his "lessons" on the school website, so he KNOWS he does not have any left and anything I tell him to do is not "official" - thus he does not have to.  Who ever thought something like finishing school early would have any detriment?  Only with Paul. . . 

3) The other kids are doing pretty-well on school work.

Not to make you think Paul is the only one working around here.  Jacob should be done with his lessons in about two weeks (just before the baby comes if we can stay on track) and Rebekah had her spelling and vocabulary for the year done by Christmas.  Samuel wrapped up his vocabulary a couple days ago and spelling is close behind.  I still anticipate doing some work into the summer, but mostly that is because I am going to be giving the kiddos a hefty break after the baby comes.  In any case, I feel like we have a much better handle on things this year, as compared to last year, and I don't think the kids will mind finishing up a few things.  Especially classes like German are really fun as they incorporate a ton of games and such, so having them open over the summer will probably be a bonus.

4) We finally renewed our museum membership.

'We are really blessed to have an AMAZING museum here in town and the cost of membership is really affordable.  Seriously, two visits and I have gotten my money's worth from our yearly family cost.  It is great.

Miriam is on the far right, pictured with some friends here.

Zipporah checking out the spider.

Jacob and Samuel having some spider fun.

5) This might sound bad, but Zipporah has been reminding me of a puppy lately.

Seriously, she has to weasel in around my legs - especially in the kitchen, and get herself into whatever I am doing.  It is kinda cute when I'm sitting on the floor and she comes over to sit by me (well, ON me if at all possible, but with my growing belly, she has to settle for beside these days).  In the mornings she will often follow me from room to room, close on my heels to be sure I do not disappear into an alternate universe.  But. . . she is also growing up by leaps and bounds and will even play outside (in our fenced-in yard) by herself sometimes!!  So I'm sure I will miss being the center of her attention soon, but goodness right now she often wears me out by the end of the day!

6) Miriam is turning from her sweet sweet self to "a child with a bit more spunk."

I think that is the best way to put it.  In other words, she is beginning to get quite an attitude about things!  And my rough-and-tumble girl is suddenly coming to me with tears over every little thing.  I realize this is simply part of growing up, but I am already looking forward to the conclusion of this "stage" of development!

Random picture of Rebekah pulling Miriam and Zipporah in the wagon - to the corner and back.  This has become one of the girls' favorite activities!

7) We are in the process of remodeling the downstairs bathroom.

Our bathrooms are both in need of serious updating, the downstairs is going first because Daddy wanted to pull out the shower and add a tub/shower combo. . . a tub especially for tall people to enjoy.  We got one that is six-feet-long and super-deep.  It is SO NICE already!!  The only thing is that since the tub is already in "use-able" condition (aka you can fill it and the drain works), someone seems to have lost his motivation to get on with finished the rest of the bathroom!  But I'm sure he will eventually get it done - no need to keep reminding him about it every six months or anything - haha :)

And if you made it this far, enjoy another random picture. . . 

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