Friday, March 12, 2010


With another little one on the way we decided we needed another bedroom in the basement. Our three children share a room now and that seems to work well but it is (was) a little cramped. In any case this recently finished room is their new room and they are very excited about it. I am excited to have a place to put the new baby, as well (their old room) rather than in our room. The baby will often sleep in our room, no doubt, as babies do when they are very little, but it is still nice for the new babe to have its own room for when it starts sleeping better and such.

I am really bad about forgetting to do "before" pictures when I start a project. Here is the earliest pictures for this "project." These are right after I put the first coat of sealant on the concrete walls.

Here is where we put the closet in. Did I mention my husband is amazing?

Here are the walls again after two coats of sealant, two coats of texture, and one coat of primer. They are "very" ready for paint I think.

Here we just put the door in and started mudding the other walls in preparation for painting them. As you can see to the left here, these walls had some nasty stains on them (we think they might have been from laundry detergent spills - as this was the laundry room) but my amzing husband was able to cover them :)

More mudding on the ceiling and such.

Fresh paint on the walls. The table in the middle shows that no room in this house goes un-used for very long - in some way or another - no matter what the circumstances.

The closet door is up in this picture - I was very excited about the closet (I am a girl, you know :)

Carpet time!! We got this great deal on carpet and once again my amazing husband cut it and did all that jazz. I really love him.

Jacob loved to "help" Daddy. He would often be found downstairs with Daddy when everyone else was upstairs doing other fun stuff.

More carpet.

Finished carpet - notice he managed to cover the platform over the drain, too? And the kids love having that step. I love that it is wide enough for a dresser.

Finished product. (So as I look back on this picture I find it entertaining to see cloth diapers on top of one dresser and box for disposable diapers on the other - as if we can't make up our minds or something. The real story is that we occasionally use paper diapers for trips or what-not. I believe this box was used while I was gone in Chicago and Grandma & Nana watched the kids for me. Of course, it does not actually have diapers in it now - it has pull-ups for Rebekah in it. She is too big for my brilliant cloth-night-diaper-solutions that work so well on the boys. I'm still working on coming up with a cloth solution for her but maybe she will just save me the trouble by being dry at night sometime soon. Of course, my pediatrition says it is totally normal for this not to happen until age seven. . . )

Thanks for "taking the tour" - hope you enjoyed. We are loving it for sure! :)


  1. looks good! A round of applause is in order.

  2. Wow, that looks fantastic!! Amazing progress. I just couldn't get the hang of cloth at night with my Gemma, so we use disposable (Huggies overnites)... too many leaks at night with cloth. Still have our Kolbe in cloth at night and plan to keep it that way until we have issues.

  3. Well, Monica, if you are interested, our "brilliant" cloth diaper night-time solution is kinda silly now that I stop to consider it and it is an investment initially but it works so well!! I take an all-in-one starbunz ( and then cover it with Nikky all-night pants ( - the larger ones, size 5-6 years I believe. Then I put a cover over it. I use just a boring fleece cover for my older one (3 yrs - potty trained now so he pees before bed and first thing in the morning) and some sort of recycled cover (called an organic caboose - on whatever site I bought it from forever ago) for the younger (18 months).

    My only complaint (other than my husband's complaint about their monsterous behinds - which I secretly think are adorable) is that the Nikky pants take a LONG TIME to dry. I put a fan right on them for about a day and half (or all day and all night and sometimes a little more). They are wonderfully absorbent but they just take a long time to dry since all the absorbency is built in all stuck together - no fold out flaps.

    In any case, you could probably adabpt these kind of diapers as necessary. We also use a simplistic pre-fitted on some nights (instead of starbunz) or a baby bee-hinds, I think, too. This is just the combination I came up with from the different diapers I had already bought either on sale or for whatever reason. (I think I initially bought the Nikki pants thinking they might work on their own but the only one they worked for was my oldest -4yrs - but then she out-grew the largest size so they sat for a bit until I got creative one night and started combining different diapers.)

    Anyhow, sorry to be so long-winded - I think I could talk forever about cloth diapers :)

  4. Mary, it looks FANTASTIC!!!!! Gordie rocked it out!

    Where is your washer? Is it now in the room with the furnace? Good call.

    Refresh my memory ... at some point, are you going to add window wells to make them "legally" count as bedrooms? Inspectors are so squirrely!

  5. Karen,

    Yes, the washer is in the furnace/work-out/Gordie reload/storage room. You would be surprised but somehow we got it all to fit there.

    As for the windows. . . I was pestering Gordie about them pretty hard but after some examination we realized that in order to change them we will have to cut the concrete around them (because of the way they were put in). Not only does that sound difficult and painful, chances are good we will have difficulty getting a good seal after that (on putting the new windows in) - at least if we try to do it ourselves. So for now that project is on hold. In the mean time, the one is fairly easy to open and with the dresser wtih bookshelves by it the kids have no trouble climbing right up to it. That eases my mind a bit for a fire exit.
