Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Precious Paul

So I have come to the conclusion that Paul is a wonderful blessing. I know, I know, all babies are blessings, but little Paul is showing himself to be a real joy. He is a very mild child. If he is awake, he wants to eat, but he nurses very well (even in the sling or just being held up in the crook of my arm while I run after the other kids). He sleeps well (ALLELUIA!!) - but not too well (or I would spend all my time worried about him) - at night he only wakes up to eat every 3 or 4 hours - and then he does his business and gets right back to sleeping so I hardly notice the inconvenince. His awake periods (when he is not demanding food) are of course, adorable as he lays there and wiggles and wrinkles his forehead. (Ahh, babies are so cute, you know :) He is not fond of the swing or the bouncer but why would he want those things when he could be up next to Mama all day? He really loves the sling - to nurse, or just to be carried around. I am also eager to use our new Ergo baby carrier with him. I have tried it a few times and he takes it well but I think he will be more comfortable once he can hold his head a little better. I am excited for this as he will be more secure in this carrier (than in the sling) so I might be able to truly have both hands free. But enough about carriers - back to Paul. . . I am just in love with him - I guess that is how God designed it :) And now I must conclude here as he is needing a fresh diaper before. . . yep, you guessed it, more nursing.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaahhhhhhhh love that sweet newborn goodness. Awesome!! Do you have the little infant insert thing for your ergo? My sis has one and really likes it. I am very partial to my mei tai, but also using my hotsling more now that my not-a-newborn-anymore baby boy can sit on my hip.

    Enjoy these days. They -as I'm sure you already know- are quite fleeting.

