Monday, May 10, 2010

Yep, still here. . .

It has been a while since I posted. My computer is still in a broken state - that is pretty-much my excuse. My hubby has decided to let me use his as often as I want (as he is dragging his feet on fixing mine) so I'm back to posting - kind of. My documents have been recovered but the camera is not installed on this computer. . . so I'm not sure about uploading pictures. . . I'll have to try that later. . . when I feel up to it again. In any case, here are some updates. . .

1. We have the fence mostly up!! (yes, I will get pictures as soon as possible - see above) All we need to put up still is the gate and then to paint more on it. It is about 75% primed so I need to finish priming and then paint it all.

2. I'm still pregnant and feeling miserable (but not really with adequate reason - other than my own minor discomfort - no real complications yet) although I am getting concerned that my baby is going to be rather large and my doctor does not share my concern. This is frustrating but I am so close to the end I am trying to just chill day by day and trust that God's will be done - whatever that may mean. In any case, I'm due May 17 (next Monday) and my next doc apt is this Friday.

3. Gordie is liking his new work schedule but not necessarily his new job duties. We keep praying that he will find a job he truly enjoys (and one that pays more would of course be nice) - perhaps you could join us in this prayer? We would be most grateful.

4. Well, that's about all the news for now. . .I am just so ready to be un-pregnant. I want the hormone flux to be over already!! I am so grouchy right now. Guess I'll go work-out some more.

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