Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whiney Wednesday

1. I am so grateful that my children have inquisitive minds, but if I have to answer why I am doing whatever I am doing ONE MORE TIME I think I might scream. BECAUSE!!!!

2. "Mom, look!, Mom, look!, Moooom, look!!, Look, Mom! Look, Mom! Keep looking at me, Mom!!" Sheesh - even when Samuel is just telling me something, he seems to think that if I am not looking then I obviously am not listening. How oh how do I ever get anything done around here with having to look up or come around the corner to see every five minutes, I have no idea.

3. I think my brain has a short in it somewhere. Seriously, I cannot remember things. I walk into a room and forget why I am there. If I don't write things down IMMEDIATELY (on my ever-missing-when-I-need-it-list) then they are so gone. And even when I do get them written down, half the time I can't remember where I put the list. It is a good thing the phone rings or it would be lost FOREVER. I feel sooooo scatter-brained. I had trouble following a tv episode last night. Maybe being up so often with the baby is affecting my REM sleep or something - either that or I'm slowly going crazy. Yep, apparently that is what kids do to you when used incorrectly, so always follow the directions!! (Too bad I misplaced mine! - haha)

See, I was so absent-minded I forgot to put the link at the bottom of my whines!! (well, I guess you can't see that once I re-post, but trust me, I forgot) So, if you want to know what Whiney Wednesday is all about and join in the fun, click here.


  1. This made me smile. (At your expense? sheepish -sorry). I hear you girl. The why thing....why oh why. Gemma, "why does Kolbe sit on the floor"? "Why are they called cheeks?" "Why is there a door here?" I mean, seriously girl, where do you get this stuff?!!

    Blessings friend!

  2. Glad you can relate, Monica. The most difficult part of "the questions" is answering them in terms they understand. After trying for a good 5 minutes to explain the garage at the school (how it was for school vehicles and we would not take our car there to get fixed), my sweet daughter concluded, "No, Mom, I think you just don't know."

    There you have it - if I can't explain it to them I must just not know :)
