Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jacob Christopher!

Today is Jacob's 3rd Birthday. This morning he got a "baby sea turtle" book (part of our present to him) and I have only read it to him about 15 times (yes, I think it is a keeper), but I don't mind as hearing him say "baby turtle" makes me feel all warm and fuzzy since he is so incredible cute about it.

Some things about Jacob:

  • When he is hungry, he wants a banana. Always, all the time, no matter if he has eaten 6 bananas, he wants. . . a banana. "Please, may I have. . . a banana."

  • He is on a "baby turtle" kick that is adorable. He pretends to be a baby turtle and I (his mother) get to be the mommy turtle. It is very helpful to get him to lay down for a nap or tuck him in at night - and sometimes even to get him to use the potty. I say, "Come on Baby Turtle. . ." and he happily clops after me making "baby turtle noises" (difficult to explain but they are definitely cute :)

  • Jacob now has feet about a size and half bigger than his older brother (older brother is 4.5 years-old). I bought him some AMAZING new shoes the other day and he commented, "Mom, these shoes FIT and they are COOL!" (I plan to give these shoes their own post when I get around to it.)

  • He was a little slow to start talking (waiting until well into his second year before vocalizing more than grunts) but now he has an amazing vocabulary and I am impressed with his attention for detail. For example, Daddy had left to walk to a friend's house by going out the front door, but Jacob wanted Daddy to "go out the back door, get in his car, turn on the engine, and drive to the friend's house."

  • Jacob loves trucks, trains, and planes.

  • His favorite things to watch (as we don't get regular cable or anything) are Signing Time, the movie WallE, a dvd of Thomas the Tank Engine, and Mater's Tall Tales.

  • Something I enjoy doing with him lately, when I help him put on his shirt, while he is lost trying to get his head in, I ask, "Where is Jacob?" and then he pops out and cries, "Here I am!" with a great big smile. He also grants my request for a big hug after getting his clothes on - once he can dress himself I will have to find another reason to get a hug :)

  • The other day during lunch the "big kids" were saying what they wanted to be when they grew up. Jacob listened a bit and then chimed in, "I want to be a bad guy!"
I love you, my sweet Jacob! May God continue to bless you and form you into a virtuous and considerate little boy.

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun read. And I will comment about your whines here. AAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I have been so freakin' grumpy and impatient and on edge and hormonal lately it is aw.ful. I can hardly tolerate myself. My poor kids and husband...

    Kolbe has finally started nursing less, and again like you, mixed emotions. There was about 2 days where I would distract him during the day if he asked and after that he kind of quit asking and it wasn't a very big deal. Nursing on demand was great though, and if he is ever hurt or sick or something I would certainly nurse him during the day whenever, but for now the break has been nice. He was nursing a whole lot. He still nurses during the night and typically at bedtime and sometimes before nap. It has been a good change for us. But I just don't know what's wrong with me. Blurg.

    Blessings, friend. Enjoyed the updates!!
