Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Whiney Wednesday

1. I have not felt like being creative in the kitchen lately. In fact, choosing meals and getting them ready has REALLY been a chore as I cannot see to come up with anything new, groceries seem so much more expensive, and it just takes so much time!

2. My nursing baby (whom I LOVE dearly and I LOVE nursing still a lot - at 15 months now) has thrown my body into mass confusion and it has me going CRAZY some days. Seriously, I annoy myself! I am so lost with my hormones all over the place. I am crabby and short-tempered and just all-around unhappy. Not to mention I cannot seem to concentrate on what I should be doing. Although I am trying to get Paul on more of a regular nursing schedule (as I think that might help) I absolutely CANNOT tell him no when he asks to nurse (he is the first of my children to come up with his own sign for it - so smart!) so it looks like I just might have to suffer through this for a while. I just hope I don't get so caught up on the rough part to miss the beauty of connecting with my baby and being able to comfort him so well.

3. I really need some TIME to get some projects done and between running after the kids and their activities and my own social life, I just don't see any opportunity for these projects (like sorting the mail, filing papers, labeling pictures, etc) and frankly that is kind of depressing.

Ok, there's my whines for this week. Feel free to join me in the whining fun. Click here for details.


  1. Check out Sarah's blog ( ... she posts meal plans w/ recipes. B/c it's Sarah, it's healthful, but also new things I've enjoyed trying in my kitchen. :)

  2. Oh, also check out this site:
