Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Small Successes Thursday

Thursday is the day to stop and count our blessings and recognize the small victories in every day life that might get lost otherwise, in the business of daily life. Here are my small successes for this week.

1. I cleaned out the basement closet - which consisted of re-arranging the back porch (as that is where a lot of that stuff needed to go), re-arranging two sets of shelves (one in Paul's room and one in the work-out/laundry room - hey, that stuff has to go somewhere!), and going through/organizing three large containers of extended kitchen items that I just don't have room for in my actual kitchen.

2. I finally took a picture of Rebekah in her school uniform. Instead of a "First Day of School" picture, we have a "17th Day of School" picture. But hey, maybe I will have started a tradition that we could continue. Who knows? :)

3. The holy water font I bought back in college (that would only be about 7 years ago - since I graduated) has finally been "placed"and stocked with holy water.

I was also pretty proud of placing it right by the doorway to the kitchen (on the wall beside our table) since the kids like to bless themselves as we begin our meal prayer. And Rebekah's recent artwork from school seemed to fit right in with the theme (the Hail Mary above and the other picture is Mary giving the Rosary to St Dominic).

Unfortunately, not everyone is crazy about my "brilliant" placement of the font as my hubby already sent it flying once. Maybe I should have put it on the OTHER side of the light switch - or the other side of the door. (But then I would have to reach across to use my right hand which I thought would be awkward. . . )

In any case, there you have it. To share your small victories, head over to Chocolate for Your Brain for details.

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