Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankfulness Thursday

 .  . . with a heart of gratitude . . .
This week I am especially thankful for:
1)  A baby in my life right now. 
She is not one of those AMAZING babies (that puts herself to sleep, changes her own diapers, and solves world hunger) but she is not OVERLY fussy either.  She is just a baby.  Sometimes she naps on her own and sometimes she just wants to be held all day, but she is just an amazing little person that I LOVE SO MUCH!!  As much trouble as pregnancy and childbirth is. . . it is NOTHING compared to the amazing creation of a baby I get to enjoy for an entire YEAR (until it becomes a "toddler" :)  Now, if only I could sit around and just enjoy the baby all day - that would be "the life."  As it is, I need to remember how much I like her so I don't spend all my time thinking of her as "another burden" in the midst of our daily chaos.

2)  The community we are creating.
One of the main by-products of homeschooling (so it seems) is a close-knit family.  They LOVE to play with each other.  They take care of each other (when they are not stealing each other's toys).  They genuinely enjoy each other and that makes me so happy.  Hopefully they are creating friendships that will last a lifetime.
3)  Rebekah as a helper.
There is no way I would survive having all the children home without her help.  I remember a quote from a homeschooling mom of eleven children with an immaculate house.  When asked how she did it she replied, "I train my children to help me and then teach them to obey." Rebekah's training is going WELL and I am so grateful.  I hope the rest of the children will follow right along in her footsteps.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever." - Psalm 107:1

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