Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homeschool Reflections, part 3

Things I am learning. . .

1) Even with five kids (and one that has no real words yet), I need to consider my "seating arrangement" as they will distract each other.

2) Contrary to popular belief, recess was not created for children to get some exercise.  It was created for teachers to keep their sanity.  We now implement two mandatory recesses. 

3) I really love my kids and spending all day with them just makes me realize this more and more.

4) "Block scheduling"is working well for us.  (Assuming one would call it that. Really, some days Rebekah sits down and does about two weeks worth of a subject.  It kinda blows my mind, but if that is how she works, then I am just grateful she is working! :)

5) I'm still battling with what to do with the "youngers" while teaching the "olders."  If I try to include them, they don't want in.  If I ignore them, they demand my attention.  If I try to give them something else to do, they don't want to do it.  So far I  have concluded they really just want to make life difficult for me.  Fortunately I have unending patience and am not hindered in my teaching ability by silly little pre-schoolers that are set on disrupting any and every thing I try to accomplish on a given day.

6) From the way things are shaping up, maybe by the end of the school year we will kind-of have this figured out!

7) Tomorrow is our first day of our local support group's "Homeschool Academy" (with name changed to protect the innocent) and I am excited and eager to see how it works out. Don't worry, I will keep you posted.

*That's all for now as the babe has finally given in and gone off to dreamland so I can put this computer down and head there as well.

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