Saturday, May 25, 2013

7 Quick Takes for Saturday

I've seen others do this on Fridays and I enjoy them immensely.  Unfortunately my Fridays seem to be pretty crazy as I finish up all those silly weekday-only-type-of-chores.  So I'm moving it to Saturday.  Without further ado. . . 

1) Among the list of mega-long home improvements we have planned is to paint our house.  (Let me clarify: Gordie is planning to "finish up" (hahaha - as if it will ever be "finished") the garage.  All other projects fall to me. . . with additional "expertise-type" help as I need it.  So today I hope to get the trim scraped and (in a perfect world) begin painting it.

2) Gordie and my brother Luke have finished expanding our fence to include the backyard.  So basically our entire yard, front and back, is now one great big enclosure.  Gordie just needs to put the backyard gate up (which he is getting hinges for as I type this).  I still need to finish painting it, but the house is coming first.

3) Miriam has started walking.  She does not walk EVERYWHERE just yet, but at times (of her choosing) she will carefully stand, get her balance, and take several unassisted steps from place to place.

4) Our dryer has been broken now for just over a week.  I am frightened to fix it (as I'm sure it will be expensive) but at the same time glad it has broken as I have gotten lazy in hanging out the laundry and now, even when the dryer works again, I hope to use my clothesline regularly again. (for clothes that is - we ALWAYS hang our cloth diapers out, even in the winter!)

5) A friend gave me this article to read and it has gotten me thinking.  I am currently in the process of expanding/updating our "Emergency Kit," especially as Tornado season is upon us.

6) As a Mothers' Day splurge I purchased for myself an expensive toy. . . an armband from Body Media FIT.  It is really fun!!  It tracks the calories your body consumes, the steps you take, moderate and vigorous activity, and the sleep you get.  You input your calorie intake and your weight and/or waist measurement.  I really like to see exactly how my calories in matches up to the calories I have burned.  It is also fun to try and reach my step goal or my moderate and vigorous activity times.  Plus seeing how many hours of sleep I get each night is also cool.  And it can tell if I am actually sleeping as compared to just lying down.  I could tell you how it works, but it would be easier for you just to read about it if you are interested (follow the link) as I've typed too much about it already - hah.

7) Speaking of physical activity, I am battling weird neck muscle pain right now and it is frustrating!!  I think my body warranty must have been 30 years as once I passed that mark I just keep having things break or not work right!  In any case, after discussion with my doctor and a physical therapist friend I have a few activities in mind (including a massage!! - the physical therapist suggested it!! :) and hope that the friend's suggestions with a little rest and a few weeks of an anti-inflammatory medicine I will be going strong again.  Otherwise it will be back to physical therapy.  If I had life to do again I might consider getting a degree in physical therapy as it would come in mega-handy right now!

Well, that's all.  I need to quit delaying and get to scraping that trim.  I hope everyone is having a peaceful and fulfilling Memorial Day weekend.


Hello Miriam! :)

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