Saturday, February 22, 2014

God is good. . . and now we have a van that we all fit in!!!

I am still in shock.  Seriously. . .   I have been asking everyone to pray for us as we try to find a vehicle for our growing family.  I have been mildly terrified and simultaneously grumpy as we have a nice mini-van that is barely seven years old, which has MANY YEARS left in it.  In any case, God is good and has taken care of us.  The parents of a friend I met in high school (and her sister that Gordie met in college - small world as my high school and his college are two hours apart) happened to have a 12 passenger van they no longer require as their children are grown now.  After some phone calls and meeting today, they are now the proud owners of our Ford Escape and we are the proud owners of a 12 passenger E350 Ford GINORMOUS van.  I was hesitant to even look at the vehicle after they told me over the phone that it had 180 thousand miles.  But I am so glad we did as it is a BEAUTIFUL VAN (and not white!!) and just amazing.  It drives better than the 12 passenger vans I used to drive for my university (when I would pick up new students at the airport).  I am still utterly in awe.  To add to it, after a little testing (and some readjusting of the garage door), we think it MIGHT EVEN fit in the garage!!  (And after many MANY driving lessons, Gordie might even be able to teach ME how to put it there!!  :)

I just keep looking out the window in shock.  We are so blessed.  Thank you, God!!


  1. Found your blog through the Theotokos group. What a great find! The van looks great. We just upgraded our car to a mini-van (we're expecting our third child), which was pretty exciting. We may just be in your position, needing something even bigger one day...but I can't say I'm excited about having to drive something so huge!

  2. what a blessing! at least you have practice driving a van that big- i would be plowing over curbs and mailboxes : ( i think i'll make my kids walk before i buy a van that big : )
