Friday, April 25, 2014

7 Quick Takes on a Friday Night in April

1) I cleaned my keyboard the other day (just wiped it down because I like to munch while I troll the internet - yep, eat your heart out diet gurus who say that is the WORST POSSIBLE THING EVER - cause it is one of my favorite pastimes, but anyhow. . . ) and now I have trouble typing.  My keys do not stick or anything, so I'm wondering if my trouble typing is related to being pregnant (yes, I'm blaming everything on that these days - weak fingers perhaps) and has nothing to do with running a wipe over my keyboard. Hmmmmm. . . deep thoughts, right?

(EDIT HERE: I just noticed it is the "r" key that was causing me most trouble - as I was leaving r's out of my words.  Well, there was something "crunchy" behind the "r" key, apparently, as I just noticed (after holding it down and some repeated pushing, that there must have been a good-sized crumb behind it or something as I am typing much better already.  Too bad my #1 is now obsolete (I should add this trouble was plaguing me for more than a week) but thank God I got THAT figured out! Oh what a night!)

2) We survived Lent.  It was good.  Easter Sunday went considerably better than I feared.  *Tangent: Isn't it funny, that perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT DAY of the year to go to church is one of the days I dread it most because the Mass is so crazy (in a good way) and long and there are SO MANY PEOPLE and I worry about getting a seat and how my children will behave with all these additional factors.  I really need a good whack upside the head I think to keep my brain where it should be - on the reason for the celebration!!  And to let things roll as they will but, anyhow. . . did I mention it was good?!?!  And the cool thing is that Easter goes on for 50 days.  Praise God! :)

3) I actually sold a few items on my local swap meet.  I am still somewhat in shock.  Even when I have stuff that we don't want/need anymore and I think, "gosh someone surely must want this" and list it for a decent price, I generally end up taking it the Community Assistance Center a few weeks later and berating myself for being so stupid as to try and make money off of said items.  I still donate a ton of stuff, though as I am just not good at keeping a hold of things for a garage sale.  When I decide we no longer need an item, I want it out, NOW!!  Not that you cared, but that is how I roll and possibly why I will never be rich.

4) We finally got a rebuilt transmission for the husband's truck and he will be putting it all together tomorrow.  Prayers appreciated so it goes quickly/well/gets done, etc.  I would not say I'm nervous for him, but I am so ready to have that truck working again already!!

5) All day long I think of things to blog about and how I would say them, but there is just no time to actually put those thoughts down.  And now, as I finally have a minute of stillness all that I thought I wanted to say is gone.  (Or perhaps I am just too tired to remember. . . or too pregnant :)

6) Did I mention I have started blaming everything on being pregnant lately?  I still remember the first time I forgot anything EVER.  I was pregnant with Rebekah (my first child) and I forgot something really simple (that I of course cannot remember what it was) and it FREAKED ME OUT!!!  With each child, I've noticed a little more forgetfulness - especially during pregnancy, but even after.  I really think part of my brain goes into making these kids.  And this last one. . .well, it is probably going to be a genius and I am going to be vegetable by the time it comes out.  I am soooooo gone these days.  I am honestly getting a glimpse of what it will probably be like when I am old.  It is a little frightening but at the same time, quite enlightening to understand why people do what they do (such as be stubborn or not want to do things a certain way).

7) A combination of spring cleaning and nesting has been taking place here and I could not be happier about it.  Unfortunately I kind of have to force it as I am just SO TIRED - bleh.  But I tell myself to get up and get moving and usually my self responds.  Unfortunately there is still so much to do.  But I really do appreciate this little "push" to get projects and things done.

If you have read this far you deserve a star. . . or a cookie, unless you are trying to lose weight, then try a carrot instead or a nice glass of water.  As for me, I'm brushing my teeth and crawling in bed.


1 comment:

  1. This post made me happy! Thank you for sharing your wacky (no offense) thoughts, I love them.


    I still hope we can meet in person some day.
