Wednesday, March 26, 2014

7 Quick Takes. . . Lent check-in

1) We are REALLY liking this book we are using (that I mentioned before) called A Family Journey With Jesus Through Lent.  The stories are all told first-person by a child, who mentions their name and their siblings and such.  They live in a time and place where Jesus was and either go see him, or talk about their parents or other family members seeing him.  And it is all the Gospel stories and parables and such.  And then their are the bible verses to help remember the stories.  It is a little rapid-fire with a verse for every day (Saturdays included, but not Sundays) but the kids are taking it well.  I'm not having them memorize the verses, but I am still putting them on the wall for them to read over and refer back to.

2) Our "Sacrifice Jar" is getting some use.  Rebekah is always asking if she can put in a token for something or other and often comes up with some really awesome stuff!  I have put a few in, too.

Yes, those ARE pom poms we are using as "tokens". . . apparently we do not have any beads in this house.  And I should add that it is a bit fuller now, this picture was from a few weeks ago.

3) One of my sacrifices was going to be to wear a pair of shoes that did not fit quite right.  Well, go-figure, those shoes are actually getting broken-in pretty well now!  They are still not my most comfortable shoes ever and I would not brave them to do "serious exercise" in (as I think they would give me some "serious" blisters) but for everyday-around-the-house-out-and-about stuff, they are no big deal.  Great for me and the shoes, but bummer for my penance, 'eh?  :)

(Don't worry, God gives me plenty of other "physical troubles" to offer up, fairly regularly.)

4) Our church is doing a soup and homemade bread supper (for a free-will-offering, NOT A FUNDRAISER - the money just goes to buy more soup and bread fixings for the next week and any left over at the end will go to the food pantry) every Friday during Lent and although my children are not very fond of soup, I am enjoying taking them.  It is nice to not have to prepare a meal one evening and it is nice to see our friends from church (which we normally just visit with on Sundays).

5) The Stations of the Cross is said at our church (after the above-mentioned soup and bread supper) every Friday and we have taken the kids the past two weeks.  They actually did fairly well.  The second time I took Miriam into the cry room for most of it.  She can be quiet mostly, but then squeaks or jabbers pretty loudly at random and it can be a little disturbing.  I left the "big kids" in the pew alone (as Gordie was the cantor) and they did good.

6) I've done pretty-well getting in my bible and reading the daily readings (part of my Lenten resolutions) but I also have been trying to avoid desserts and have DEFINITELY failed on that one a few times.  (Dessert is my comfort some days. . . I admit it.)

7) I've been really thinking/praying about forming my conscience.  I think I've been "in the world" so much lately that I've been letting it get a bit lax.  If you have tips/ideas/suggestions on how to form my conscience better, I am open to those!  I read up about forming one's conscience in the catechism and it spoke of prayer and scripture so I'm trying to soak that up and see where it leads, but that seemed a little vague.  But God always answers prayer. . . in His time, so perhaps some patience is in order.

Happy Lent everyone!


  1. Regarding #7, I would highly recommend finding a Spiritual Director. I can not even begin to explain how hugely beneficial that has been for me.

  2. I'm glad to hear that has helped you, Monica. Finding a Spiritual Director has been on my spiritual "to do" list for some time. Unfortunately I kinda live in the middle of nowhere. . . a bad excuse, but the truth! I'm praying about it and hoping God "provides" someone, but so far I have not had a lot of luck. Many of our priests are overworked as it is and I am really bummed we do not have many religious sisters around. Plus that whole "compatibility of spirit" bit is helpful. Or maybe I just need a good does of humility and to "lower my standards" - haha - I'm praying about it. I guess that's a start :)
