Thursday, November 6, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Zipporah Update, 4-months-old

1) At her check-up a few days ago the doctor walked in and asked, "Is she going to be your petite one?!?!"  Because our doctor was as shocked as I was to discover Zipporah is only in the 50th percentile for height and weight!!  Coming from a family of GIANT babies (Jacob coming in at 11lbs was off the chart until age 2 and all the rest have been mid to high 90th percentile) this was quite surprising!  But I must say I LOVE IT!!  It is so great to have such a light little lady to carry around!  I feel stronger than ever but thankful I only have 14lbs of Zipporah love to tote around with me.  

2) She does not mind tummy time much now.  She gets up WAY HIGH and arches her body perfectly to prepare for the crawl.  Plus she "hangs out" in that position for quite a while before finally giving in and either rolling over to her back or just resting her head down on the ground.

3) Zipporah LOVES to watch the world around her!  She seems so happy to interact with her brothers and sisters (even Miriam who gently kisses her head. . . and then tries to touch her eyes :)

4) She has started sucking her thumb (or possibly thumbs - I don't think she specifically just does one - although she does only do one at a time).  It is not an all-the-time thing, but usually after I put her in her crib when she is almost asleep she will find it and settle.  (Cue the Alleluia chorus as there is nothing like the feeling of doom when the baby cries before you even reach the door of her room, after trying to lay her down for a nap.)  Unfortunately this has led to a red nose and face sometimes (even when I try to keep her nails super-short), but such is life.

5) Zipporah does not have a giant smile yet, but I still enjoy how her face lights up when I talk to her - especially her eyes.

6) She really likes the moby wrap now.  When she was smaller I had trouble getting it to fit quite right.  But now that there is a little more to her she fits wonderfully and it is oh so comfortable!  God bless the maker of the moby :)

7) Zipporah has been sleeping quite well for being so young and small.  Although her bedtime is not set in stone (as our family schedule simply does not permit such things), she can fall asleep as early as 6:30pm (although usually it ends up being 7 or 8pm, depending on our evening activities) and will generally sleep until 8 or 9am the next morning.  She is really a "considerate" baby.  Sometimes she wakes up and just lays in her crib or chatters quietly and calmly to herself for a while - or until she falls back asleep on her own.

Zipporah Marie you are such a blessing in so many ways!  I am so grateful for your presence in our family.

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