Tuesday, January 13, 2015

7 Quick Takes - Daily Grind 2015

1. Putting the Christmas tree away means it is time to rearrange the furniture, right?

The top photo is actually from Christmas 2013, but our set-up this past year (2014) was similar, minus the desk and the chair (instead we had a small half-dresser near the door).  It has been YEARS since I did anything different with our couches.  We shall see if this "sticks."

2. Sight Word Brilliance

My son Jacob's brain works differently than the other children.  The "momma" in me says this is because he is a genius (which he very well might be) but the "reality" in me says that means some things are going to be a struggle.  School work is a struggle for him - not because he cannot do it, but because HE SEES NO POINT IN DOING IT!!  Anyhow, he was fighting me tooth and nail to learn his sight words (which is tremendously slowing down his reading right now) and yesterday it hit me to have him spell them out with letters.  He called it "fun"!!!  We have  winner :)

3. Movement helps the blood flow and that helps the brain work.

This is quite possibly the worst picture ever, but consider it like a "Where's Waldo."  Do you see two ropes (each braided) hanging from a giant climbing-strength carabiner?

I have been wanting to put some rings or a trapeeze bar in my living room for the kids to swing on, but we only have one hook right now and my dear husband already thinks I am crazy (and has a list of "honey do" items a mile long as it is).  So I found a strong clamp and a couple of ropes.  Now the kids pull, swing, and climb.  It has been helpful for me to have them (especially Jacob) answer a question and then swing once on the ropes, only to come back and answer the next question.  

Plus the ropes help keep them in the same room.  Jacob was pacing from room to room as I read him a story yesterday and I broke down at one point exclaiming, "Jacob, would you just STAY IN THIS ROOM, PLEASE!!"  Once I made it clear it was ok for him to pace, but I just wanted him close enough to hear he happily walked in circles around the table and from door to door while listening.

4. Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman is seriously BLOWING MY MIND!!

I know I have already posted about two other books she has written (well, they were really parts of her blog turned into books - this is her first "real" book, written as a book), but this one really takes the cake!!  Katy is a biomechanist that is basically looking at humans from an historical perspective of how we used to behave as hunter-gatherers.  She goes back to this point because she says that time/activity is how our bodies performed optimally and she says a lot (most) of our troubles today are from poor alignment/lack of movement as we do not move as we used to because of modern convenience.  I think my reaction to this book might be its own post soon.

5. Paul says the cutest stuff sometimes.

We had to upgrade our van last year before having Zipporah.  We ended up selling our mini-van to my parents.  When they come visit, Paul always refers to their vehicle as "the money-van."  

6. Samuel spoke up at Mass today.

This picture only kind-of goes with this number.  After Mass this morning there were many poinsettias looking for homes.  This one found its way to ours.  We shall see how long it lasts.

We try to go to daily Mass with our local Catholic school, at least once a week.  The priests regularly ask the kids questions during the homily and I often feel bad as I know Rebekah would LOVE to answer but they never venture further than the main aisle where all the school kids sit.  Today, however, Father Earl came over to our section as a few of the older school kids in front of us answered some questions.  And then, before I knew it, Father had called on Samuel!  Just like his momma, when he feels the need to say something he is not shy.  

Father was asking where we might find synagogues today.  Samuel answered, ITALY!!  Which, in his defense is quite wise of him.  We have been studying a lot about the Roman Empire in history right now and they just recently (in our studies) took over Judea and Jesus was born.  Since the Roman Empire first came from Italy, it makes sense he would say that.  Father got a good chuckle from it and agreed that there probably were some synagogues in Italy.

7. I took my two oldest children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday.

I only took those two because they are the only ones old enough to receive.  (This was Samuel's second time to receive this sacrament.)  It was a great experience.  I love sharing the faith with my children.

Zipporah (almost seven-months-old here) is very happy I am done blogging so I can play with her again.

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