Saturday, August 6, 2016

7 Quick Takes - Peter update

1) Peter is 3.75 (ish) months-old today.

I have stopped doing weekly pictures of him on the day of the week he was born (Friday) -- mostly because I keep forgetting to take the picture. So I have returned to the vague about-a-month or about-a-month-and-a-half to relay his age. It only bothers me because babies change SO FAST and going by week gives a much more accurate understanding. But the general public really doesn't care, I am sure, and are probably much happier to just hear his age in months, so there ya go.

This outfit came from his Grandma. She appreciates the love of superheros that goes on in this house. --  But it should be noted that when Rebekah saw the outfit she exclaimed, "But Peter is not an orphan!!" I explained to her that he can be a new kind of super hero that comes from a nice loving family who continues to live, even while he fights crime or saves the world, or whatever.

2) Peter is liking his new toy.

Although I love to hold my babies, and carry them in my arms, and wear them strapped to my body, sometimes I just need to put them down for five or ten minutes so I can take a shower or work with messy/hot food in the kitchen!  Thus, when a friend was selling her "amazing-toy-of-awesome" (although that was not quite the phrase she used) I decided to give it a try.  At first Peter was too short for it - his feet dangled (as the seat is not adjustable) and he did NOT like that. But this morning (a few weeks later) a thick folded blanket under his feet did the trick and he was able to enjoy this "play-station" while I took a shower.

3) Blowing raspberries is probably Peter's favorite "thing" right now.

I'm not sure this needs explanation. But I will note this is how he woke me up this morning.

4) Peter is better than an alarm clock.

I should qualify that by "better" I mean more effective at awakening me. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to turn him off, or even set him for a later time. But he does a great job of gagging on my milk, blowing raspberries, wiggling, grunting, etc. to make me wake up with him in the morning.

And he WAS waking up about 7:30am, which is a great time to get up. I can make the coffee for my hubby before work and that is about when the kids start wandering around. But the last few days he has been up and moving around 6:30am which is just so early for this tired-stayed-up-too-late momma! But what's a gal, to do? I know he will sleep better eventually -- probably by the time he is in high school.

5) Peter loves to be talked to.

He will look you in the eye. He will smile. He will coo and screech. He is a big fan of interaction.

6) This stubborn boy will NOT take a binky!!

I have tried and tried to give Peter a binky (because my other children took binkies and it was such a great way to keep them calm and help them sleep). Peter, however, will give me the most horrible face every time I try to put it in his mouth and then he will cry and fuss and generally just be miserable.  He won't suck his thumb, either. Silly boy.

7) Peter enjoys being walked to sleep.

Although I enjoy breastfeeding Peter, as I have all my other children, Peter is the first to not put sleeping right after eating. He will enjoy some milk and then all of a sudden pull off and be "done." So I will burp him and rock him and listen while he cries. And then often I end up walking him around and he dozes off. 

I'm thinking this might be partially accidental training I have done. As you know I have been getting more and more into walking. I see it as my challenge -- can I walk to do this errand?  And the more I carry, the better! So I have been walking and carrying Peter everywhere since he has been born. He is quite used to it now. Hence him enjoying that movement and being soothed to sleep by it. 

Pros: I enjoy walking, so what's a little more to get the little guy down. Cons: Our house is small, so I have to take him outside to really get a good path, but it is often hot and distracting and sometimes buggy. 

"Until we meet again. . . " - Peter

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