Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Go me!

So there are expensive special clocks you can get for kids that do all kinds of wonderful things. Unfortunately, those do not fit in our current budget, so I improvised and I am all proud of myself. Here are my gloat pictures. As you will notice, the seven is obviously when it is ok for them to get out of bed - if I have not come in and gotten them before then. Since they are still working on the whole number bit I figured giving them the whole hour would be best and not worrying about the minutes. The Tinkerbell and racecar are part of my creativeness. Tink came from a package of sheets Rebekah got for Christmas and Lightening McQueen came from a package of underwear we bought for Samuel (and are praying he may actually use some day/sigh). In any case I taped them on the back because the minute I mentioned getting Rebekah a clock she immediately wanted a princess clock and every time she wants something princess, Samuel chimes in that he wants something racecar. Unfortunately, Tinkerbell is technically a fairy so after showing Rebekah my creation when she got home from school - although she was mildly excited - she immediately pointed out that she wanted "princesses" so I guess I'll have to keep scrounging around. I'm sure we have one somewhere that came off of something.

This second picture is after I brilliantly positioned the clock by the night light. Since their room is in the basement it does not always get that bright so in order for Rebekah to see the seven I figured I better put it by the light since it won't glow like the clock does. (Plus this way she will be able to see it right away in the middle of the night and won't have to get down from her top bunk to check every time she hopes it is morning but it is really not even close.)

On a side note, the kids have actually been very good about sleeping and not getting up too early but with Gordie now getting up to go off to work before seven sometimes they hear him rustling around and come out to see what is going on. Although I am not really opposed to them being up earlier I often want to work-out a little longer or take a shower or eat breakfast or have five minutes to myself after Gordie leaves and this is really incompatible with them getting up before seven.

1 comment:

  1. I totally give you props for your creativity!

    And I LOVE how you say "it doesn't fit into our current budget" as opposed to saying "it's too expensive" or "we can't afford it." I think it's a MUCH classier thing to say. And it reinforces values. And making good financial decisions. And positive thinking. Not negitivity.

