Thursday, September 30, 2010

Book Review of Bible Stories for Little Children

Sophia Institute Press sent me a complimentary copy of this book to review.

Bible Stories for Little Children is an excellent introduction to Sacred Scripture. The stories are broken up int bite-sized chunks that are perfect for reading before bedtime or prayers, or what-not. The language is simple but elegant, filled with endearing phrases such as "dear children." It carries a childlike wonder for the events of scripture, told in simple terms. There are a few larger words, but these can easily be explained and could be helpful for expanding vocabularies. There is a in-depth treatment of many of the stories from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Sometimes a sentence or two show up at the end of a story to help connect them with the other stories and other traditions of our faith. The chapters are all listed in the table of contents, along with page number, to make it easy to find a particular story.

The only drawback I have found is that nowhere does it specify for what age group this book is intended. My five-year-old enjoys the stories, but gets a little restless. My younger children (ages 2 and 3 years) do not have the patience to listen to stories this long with so few pictures. However, I am hopeful that as they get a little older, this will become a much more favored tomb in our household library.

This review was part of Sophia Institute Press's Books for Bloggers program.


  1. Cool! I love the books for bloggers program, and Sophia's books are really great too. You can hardly go wrong. Free books = major excitement!!!

  2. Hah, Monica! I found out about this program from your blog! And yes, I totally agree - it is a great program.

  3. Good deal, glad you saw and are taking advantage of the opportunity. It's pretty great! The Catholic Company has one as well, but I am bogged down enough with reads as it is. Maybe some day...
