Thursday, September 9, 2010

Small Successes Part 1

Ok, I'll jump on the bandwagon here - I feel like celebrating.

1. I really tried to implement my new schedule today and got my floor mopped on time this afternoon and oh it looks so nice!! Who would have known I really could do that in 15 min? Giving myself a set time to do things really gives me an energy boost - I'm calling it done in 15 min so I better get as much as I can finished before it is time to move on.

2. I have read at least three books with each kid (together or separate - their choice) every day this week.

3. I started up a weekly holy hour again (once again, trying to implement the new schedule this week) and I only wish it could be more like a holy half day, or maybe a daily holy hour because it was such bliss, to just be quiet before the Blessed Sacrament. Oh and bonus, I just happened to still be there when a few other parents get together and pray a weekly Rosary for family life! Could it get any better?

And of course, if you want to share your successes as well or check out those of many many others click over to the successes page at the Faith and Family website.



  1. Awesome!! That's what I love about my rule/schedule. There's a time for everything. Yes, maybe my kitchen floor could use a bit of attention now, but I have some time carved out Saturday morning, so it will be done then. I like doing it this way, makes things less frantic when I know they will get done.

  2. Good job!! I'm pretty bad at sticking to a regular schedule. I will get distracted by higher priority things...and let's just say...the floor deosn't get mopped! (I sweep it though...but it NEEDS to be mopped!) I just started homeschooling my Kindergartener, so now I'm really really trying to get some set routines down. We are decent though =) We eat at the same times every day. Nap/bed times are consistent too. It's mainly the cleaning the house chores that are quite random =)
