Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whiney Wednesday

1) Can I just say "the baby" and leave it at that? He is such a social nut - he is fine if he is the center of attention, but the second I try to get something done. . . Does he have to wail CONSTANTLY?!?! He is not sleeping so well, he wiggles when you try to hold him. He seems to want to nurse all the time (and especially at times when it is MOST inconvenient - as when I had both sick big brothers at the doc office and she is trying to look them over). Gosh, I love him, I know, but he is adding a new level of difficulty to pretty much everything else that needs to be done.

2) Sleep. . . the thought of a full night of sleep. . . oh my. Lately the baby has been waking up at least 2 or 3 times. Then one or two of the other children (who normally would not wake up) have been waking up, needing assistance or "scared," etc. The worst is that I could just have them get in bed with us (we have a king-size futon on the floor - plenty of room, no need to worry about falls), but you run the risk of having to wash the sheets in the morning (which is a royal pain since our mattress protector is coming apart as it is and the more I wash it, the closer it gets to its final days - and of course there is no money to replace it right now). So I try to get them back to their bed which means waking up pretty fully and often climbing out of warm covers to coax them back where they belong.

3) On top of it all I am sick. Not falling down "I'm gonna die" sick, but just sick enough to be miserable. Just sick enough to forget things like appointments or where Rebekah's library books are, but not sick enough to look sick when people see me out and about. You know what I mean? Let's hope so cause I just lost my voice so I can't tell you.
For info on Whiney Wednesday, click here.

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