Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011 :)

Just thought I'd throw this picture in here cause I like it :)

Now, on to the post. . . I must say, starting the new year by honoring Mary, the Mother of God (who always points us to Jesus) seems just right. However, the Church new year started with Advent (which I find so incredibly fitting) so a part of me finds the whole secular new year events and traditions a little silly, but at least we get to start it with Mary.
In any case, I have a few ideas for how to spend this next calendar year.

1) I want to try and remember ALL of my extended family's birthdays (and not just write them on the calendar, but actually plan ahead and send a card, or at least call). I'm usually pretty good about this, but I kinda dropped the ball toward the end last year, so here we go again.

2) I guess I'm gonna try to lose weight cause I'm on a team to do that (although I am only on the team because they needed one more). You know, actually, rather than focus on losing weight, I think I'm gonna focus more on good eating habits, stopping when I am full (even when the food is SOOOO INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS :), and skimping on desserts in order to offer up the suffering for my loved ones. (I have found this is one of the few motivations I can find for cutting back or skipping dessert.)

3) This is the most difficult one to explain, but I hope to really break my day down into smaller pieces (not necessarily a set time, but just "chunks" as they come). I am hoping this will help me be present to each moment as it comes. Then I can try and keep everything in perspective as to what I am doing right at this moment and why. The plan is for this to allow me more moments (however brief) of prayer, more moments of connection with my children, and more effective relaxing time for me (when I allow myself to take some). I have a feeling this is going to make my cleaning/cooking/etc to be less effective, but potentially more enjoyable and thus not such a burden.

4) I want to attend Daily Mass at least once a week with the children that are home and awake at that time.

5) I want to keep up my weekly holy hour and take at least one of the children to the adoration chapel for a few minutes each week.

So that is the plan, and due to squirmy kids and places to go, that is going to have to be enough :)

1 comment:

  1. Go you Mary! I wish I could say I had given the new year some thought but I haven't! I'd better get to praying on that!
