Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Whiney Wednesday

1. Stomach flu.

2. I feel like I am treading water all day and not getting anywhere.  Seriously.  I work HARD all day long, giving of myself to my maximum capacity in all ways I can think of and by the end of the day it seems like nothing has gotten done!  The only way to get items crossed off my "to do" list is to make a list of things I have ALREADY done.  Hmmm. . . maybe I am on to something here :)

3. Charity junk mail.  I don't care if you send me an envelope every month.  I told you I was giving one time or two times or whatever when I gave MY INITIAL pledge so stop sending me your letters.  They get shredded and recycled and frankly I'm tired of dealing with them.  I am not going to suddenly be "moved" to give you more money just because you sent me another envelope and sob-story letter.  Oh and while we are on the topic.  DO NOT CALL ME AND ASK FOR A PLEDGE ON THE PHONE.  I don't care how pathetic I sound or how guilty you make me feel.  You cause my be the worthiest of all, but I do NOT want to be bothered with a phone call where I have to LISTEN to your sob story and then tell you no and hear you all gruff and disappointed.  If I think you cause is worthy, I will give you money, but let me do my own research. - Don't call me, I will call you.

(On a side note, one charity called to thank me for my past support and ask if I had any prayer requests - no strings attached.  That was nice.  They can call me anytime.)

To join in Whiney Wednesday, click here for details.


  1. You make me smile, Mary! I sure hope your week gets a WHOLE lot better! :)

  2. Mmmmmmm, totally agree with #3. Glad it's not just me.
