Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Intentions

"Resolutions" just sounds so resolute. I want something a bit more flexible, so I'm calling mine "intentions." These are what I "intend" to do this year. Some of them I have been doing for a long time (or some version of) and I just want to keep up. Others are new to my routine and sound like a good idea. So, without further ado, here they are:


*Read the Gospels for 10 minutes a day and try to apply them to daily life (this was actually suggested by our priest and although I try to get in my bible regularly I like this focus).
*Read my catechism for 10 minutes a day. (I used to do this in college and I miss it.)

*Liturgy of the Hours:

-Morning Prayer WITH the husband
-Evening Prayer
-Night Prayer WITH Rebekah (and possibly husband) at least twice a week


*Show temperance in eating and make good healthy choices.

*Continue to work-out regularly and listen to my body on days I SHOULD take it easy.


*I want to COMPLETE at least two "crafty projects" (knitting or crochet or some such).


*I'm going to try and stick to my chore chart. (It does not have to be perfect, it just needs to get done. And I will have no guilt if I choose to do something over cleaning.)

*I will sort and file/dispose of the mail AT LEAST once a week. (No more letting it pile up for weeks on end.)

*Continue to read books to them (or with them in Rebekah's case) daily.

*Be more vigilant about having them do their chores.

*Let them "help" more in meal preparation and baking.


  1. These are so great. A blessed year to you!

  2. Oh, Mary. I keep thinking I'm going to get serious and put something down and I just keep stalling...
