Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An explanation

So I have not been blogging much and here are my reasons:

1. My computer broke and the one I use now does not have any working USB ports.  This may seem like nothing, but blogging to me is all about pictures.  How can I possibly blog with no way to plug in my camera and add pictures?!?!  It is quite a dilemma that I have not been able to fix yet.

2. I am pretty miserable right now with a lot of things going on in my life (that I would love to share, but don't have time right now - lol) and blogging is just not high on my priority list.

So, I'm sorry if you miss me.  I actually kind of miss sharing stuff with you all  (all 3 of you that actually check my blog once in a while) but that is how it is right now.

On a side note, a few blog ideas are popping around in my head and I MIGHT just break the cycle and post one or two of them WITHOUT A PICTURE!!  But only if I can find some time so. . . wait in anxious anticipation if you want. . . or just consider yourself warned.

In the mean time, Happy Tuesday.


  1. It is hard to blog without pictures sometimes. :D

  2. Understand. And I think you may have more than 3. :D
