Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Homeschool Reflections, part 2

We have been at it "officially" for about a week total now and here is the scoop on our little homeschool.

1) Samuel is on Lesson 5.6 of a six chapter kindergarten math book.  Good thing I went ahead and got the first grade book as well.  Maybe I need to consider a more challenging math program and/or double-check we covered EVERYTHING and that he has MASTERED all the skills (rather than just done a page or two correctly).

2) Miriam is making this more challenging than it will be when she is just a little older.  But I imagine by the time she grows up a little (assuming we do not have more on the way by then) I will be an ABSOLUTE pro at this.

3) I fluctuate daily from one extreme to another.  Either "Eeek!! My kids are going to be SO FAR behind by the end of the year and social mis-fits to boot!" Or "Wow!  This is AMAZING.  We are covering so much so quickly and having so much fun! This is easy!"  On a given day I go from panic to chill several times.  I hope this phase passes soon.  Fortunately, despite my emotions I generally am able to put them aside and look at things reasonably and rationally.  And considering all the reasoning behind my decisions, I am on-track with what would reasonably work best for our family at this time.  (I think :)

4) Rebekah is surprisingly a little difficult to motivate at times.  I guess I knew she had this "mildly ADD" side, but butting my head against it is new. In any case, she is like me in that I can generally sit down and "talk" with her and get her to see what she needs to do.  Often we "compromise" or add something fun to the activity, or to do afterward.

5) Jacob and Paul are making life interesting.  I want to include them and do "lessons" with them as well, but sometimes they are just not interested in their own lessons - only in trying to distract everyone else.   I think they are just unsure of where they fit in to the big picture.  Hopefully time and routine will calm them down some.  Right now I let them come sit with us if they are interested, or I let them do free-play.

6) I have already adapted our schedule some and am liking it so far.  We don't really HAVE to start our day at any particular time (other than on Thursdays when I hope to go to daily Mass - starting next week).  However, just letting the kids wander upstairs whenever was making our mornings chaotic, so I now wake all the kids (except the baby) at 7:30am (if they are not up before) and we have breakfast together and do our "morning prayer."  This naturally leads into (and/or includes - depending on how you look at it and how the morning goes) Scripture and then if they are receptive, we move right into religion.  However, sometimes the "Littles" (Jacob and Paul) have trouble sitting still so we let them loose to play and move on to Reading (coming back to Religion and Scripture later).  I'm really enjoying starting our day together. (I actually eat breakfast with them at the table since Miriam is usually still sleeping - and this is BIG as normally I sit on "the comfy chairs" to nurse Miriam during meals, rather than eat at the table with the kids.)

7) Like a typical day at school or anywhere, we ebb and flow with ups and downs, stress, less stress, frustration, and then fun.  I'm trying to be sensitive to the rhythm of things and hopefully that will carry us through.

8) We went to the park yesterday morning for P.E. (and to be social!) and had a blast.

And now, for your viewing pleasure. . . We made crowns to celebrate the Queenship of Mary.  And then prayed the 5th Glorious Mystery (from My Scriptural Rosary), The Coronation of Mary.



I could not get a decent group shot and could not "wait" for it as the baby was WAILING (seriously, someone must have pinched her) and Jacob was crying in this picture (something about his blocks he was playing with) and I could not get Paul to look up.  So this is a "keeping it real" shot here.  Sometimes the group shot just does not fly and that's how it goes.
Miriam needed a crown, too.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed are you among women blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. 
- Amen.


  1. I am REALLLLLLLY enjoying your homeschool posts.

    #3 reminded me so much of myself. I may have laughed. But not until the "I think" part you added in a really small part at the end. ;-D

    I like what you said about compromise with Rebekah. Sometimes I feel guilty for "bargaining" with my kids, it's good to see I'm not the only one who does this.

  2. really small "font" not "part". duh.

  3. Weird - I read it right the first time - font, not part - funny how the brain sees what it expects.

    And I'm glad you enjoy them Monica. Some day I expect to look back on them and say, "Wow, I have come so far!" :)
