Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankfulness Thursday

. . . with a heart of gratitude . . .

This week I am especially thankful for:

1)  A community of love (aka my family). 
I have come across some of my friends from high school and college lately (as in the past few months).  Some are married and have kids.  Some are still single.  It was in contemplating the single ones that I realized just how grateful I am that I no longer need to be alone.  Sometimes the single life seems so wonderful.  I drool over the thought of only having to cook and clean for myself - of being able to spend my money on myself - to do what I want to do when I want to do it!  I also find myself with very little empathy for single people who complain of being "so busy" and "not having time do do anything."  But then I think back to when I was single and remember that feeling of "being alone."  I know, God is always with us and often we have roommates, etc.  But there was much time I spent "being lonely."  Sure I did stuff, or maybe I could have worked harder to find people to be with, but when push came to shove, in the evenings, or early mornings, or just on days when I had no particular place to go, I remember being lonely.  Now, in the midst of chaos, I can appreciate always having someone around -whether it be the kids or my spouse, there is always someone here with me to love and just "be" with.

2)  Samuel. 
I love all my children and they are all blessings in their own way, but this week I am thankful for my second child and oldest son, Samuel.  I have been praying especially for him the past few weeks as I felt a little out-of-touch with him.  He is getting too "big" to cuddle and his main interests now are video games (x-box or the tank game on the Kindle).  I really want to find something I can do with him that we both enjoy (as I play x-box now and again, but it is really not my thing).  I believe teaching him is the perfect answer to my prayers.  I often fretted over teaching him as I feared I would not have patience and he would not have interest.  But as it turns out he is immensely interested and he catches on so quickly, I have no time to be impatient!  We have only done "school" a few days but sitting with him while he "learns to read" has truly been the highlight of my day.  He has such a wonderful personality and I am so grateful to be able to spend time with him and learn from him.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever." - Psalm 107:1

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