Saturday, October 20, 2012

Jumping on the bandwagon. Journal #1

Outside my window:

Kinda chilly.  Long pants and sweatshirt weather.

Clothing myself:

Jeans, black t-shirt for NEW's anniversary (hubby's work), FHSU sweatshirt.  (My typical "be seen in public" uniform.  Unfortunately, since getting dressed my public plans have changed, so I might end up in sweats again before the day is out.)

Around the house:

I am implementing a lot of ideas I picked up (or some I had already thought of but just had not done yet) from this Smart Martha retreat.  It is making things much more "user friendly" and efficient.  I hope to give these their own post soon.

The Baby:

Since this is my first journal, some background.  Between 2 and 4 months, Miriam would sleep up to 12 hours a night!! I thought she would be like Rebekah (who did this and then never went back -she was such a great sleeper).  Then Miriam hit a growth spurt and nursed AT LEAST every three hours around the clock for about three days straight.  She has ebbed and flowed since then but is still now, at 5 months, not a great sleeper by any means.  Her newest habit is fussing after nursing at night.  She finishes but her nose is stuffy or she is just uncomfortable, so she thrashes all over.  I have had her on my chest with her binky in for several hours every night.  Often she finally gives in and falls asleep (and so do I) but lately even this is trying my patience!!  Must be teeth or growing or both - or she is just a baby.  Who knows?

The Kids:

Paul is in that super-cute phase.  My mother-in-law described his voice as "having swallowed a helium balloon" and I think that is quite accurate!  Everything he does is done with enthusiasm!  I recently started taking him to swim team (and getting in with him) and he has been BESIDE himself with glee!  Sporadically throughout the day he will proclaim, "I go to swim team!!!"

In the Kitchen:

I'm just trying to keep floating.  I really do not enjoy cooking all that much (but I do like eating! :) but we are "making do" and learning as we go.  My meal calendar on the fridge (a wipe-off calendar) is going well.

I have recently started making my own yogurt and that is fun!!  Something about the joy of creating something just gets me.


I have some slippers I started knitting for Rebekah when I was in labor with Miriam. (I needed something to pass the time while waiting the 5000 hours for the pitocin to kick-in.)  They just need to be "sewn up" which is really easy (assuming I could find my "sewing needle" for this project - but I think I can just crochet them).  In any case I NEED to get them done while they still fit and so she can wear them this winter!

Also, I recently discovered the baby hat I knit for Miriam (before she was born) just barely fits her head now and will definitely not make it through the winter, so I better get cracking on another one!


There is so much.  I need to do a separate post on this.  Suffice to say it is going WELL!!  We are kind-of getting things figured out.  Everyone seems to be having fun and learning.  I am pleased.  (And a bit exhausted - hah!)


I'm REALLY TRYING to get my daily bible reading in.  For as long as I can remember (probably since I really started making prayer a priority back in high school) I would read a chapter in several books of the bible each day.  For example, now I am reading Deuteronomy, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Matthew, and Acts of the Apostles.  I read a chapter from each, each day, and jot down verses that I like or want to remember in my journal.  Some days I don't make it through all the books, but I am making it a priority and seeing fruit from being in Scripture daily.

I'm also doing the "read through the catechism" thing for the year of faith (although I'm reading in my actual catechism, not online - I'm keeping up, or getting ahead).

And to top it off, I have been dipping into Chris West's commentary on the Theology of the Body.  I really enjoy TOB and I really enjoy Chris West, so it is a treat to pick up when I have time (hah).  I just wish the book were not quite so big as it would be easier to read while nursing :)

Bringing me joy:

A snuggly baby.  The kids being helpful.  Rebekah asking to pray "the entire" Rosary (as we have just been doing a decade at a time).

Thinking about:

Trying to be "kind" to my children (even when I have to be firm - yelling less, listening more, staying calm).  Also about friends with sick kiddos, or who have lost kiddos.

Bible verse:

This very day the Lord your God is commanding you to observe these statutes and ordinances; so observe them diligently with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 26:16)

Pictures to share:

Paul and Rebekah enjoy the tornado simulator at Exploration Place.


  1. YAY! Welcome. Thanks for the link on the Catechism thing, I signed up, very cool. I would like to be more diligent about reading the Bible (and journaling!!) Very inspiring you are (said in my best Star Wars voice).

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