Monday, September 16, 2013

Butts and Guts

This morning I used my Butts and Guts DVD from Cathe Friedrich.  Fun bit of trivia, I bought this DVD as a birthday present to myself. . . a couple years ago now and I'm still loving it!

As the title suggests, this DVD focuses on your butt and your gut. It is not cardio, nor is it super-intense weight training.  Rather it is its own breed of video but it still has me dripping in sweat and trembling from exhaustion.  There are 31 minutes of standing glute work followed by 19.5 minutes of floor work and 14 minutes of abs.  There are also a couple bonuses: stability ball abs (15 min) and bonus lower body (5 min).  This work-out REALLY does its job!  I noticed a firmer, more shapely backside after mixing this in my rotation, about twice to three or four times a month.  This does a great job of targeting the glute muscles from several different angles.  It also hits the quads and hamstrings (as they are all connected) and of course the abs.  Butts and guts is a solid work-out that can be tacked on to another work-out in pieces or endured all at once.  However you take it, I highly recommend it for strong and shapely legs.


Very effective.  If you want a more shapely and firmer behind, doing this work-out will definitely help you on your way.


It is a bit long.  To do all the "regular" DVD with no bonuses is just over an hour (about 75 min).  Not too long, but longer than the time I usually allot to work-out. 

Intensity Factor:

8 out of 10 (assuming you use weights that challenge you)

(Currently I use much heavier weight than Cathe does for most of the exercises.  Initially this was not true, but I have worked up to it.  In the beginning she uses 5lbs for lunges.  I use 8 or 10lbs.  She uses 35lbs (I think) for deadlifts and I use 65lbs.  Likewise for squats.  Later she puts on 2.5lb ankle weights.  I put on 4lb ankle weights and use an extra 10lb dumbell for some of the exercises.  I also put my ankle weights on at the start of the floor work, rather than waiting until she does a few exercises in.)

Recommended Fitness Level:


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