Monday, September 16, 2013

Journal #15

Out my window: 

It is raining and cool, but not too cold.  Hello, Fall!! :)

Clothing myself:

Black stretch capris and a Larks baseball t-shirt (a local team? I got this shirt from my brother, I have no idea.)  In my defense, it is a "home" day today and laundry day to boot, so you get what you get.

Around the house:

I purchased a dresser off the local want-ads to replace Rebekah's (one of the drawers had totally hit the bust and the top was warped and it was not very big, etc).  Anyhow, I was less than impressed with my purchase but due to the nature of the exchange (they left it on our porch while I was gone - agreed upon by myself, of course) I was unable to haggle any or say no (as if I would, after they took all the time to haul it over).  Anyhow, the dresser smelled and looked "yucky" so rather than dwell on that I took the opportunity to dash off to the hardware store with Rebekah and pick out a color so we could paint her new dresser.  Stay tuned as we hope to put the final coat on today or tomorrow and then there will surely be a post about her new (spoiler alert) PINK (as if you could not guess) dresser!!

A "before" picture of Rebekah's dresser.  Note: It was complete when I received it.  I had already removed one of the handles before I remembered I might want to take a "before" picture.

The Baby:

She is just the cutest little thing, ever.  For real.  I do not think I could come up with a cuter baby if I tried.  

Notice the shorts over her clothes?  Those would be Paul's pj shorts.  She found them this morning and insisted I help her put them on.  She is such a shorts fiend.

Finally she is fairly solidly sleeping through the night. (Many thanks to the hubby answering her cries to return her lost blanket - which really happens quite rarely these days. If I go in, I have to nurse her, but most times he can get her to resettle with just a quick tuck in and a kiss.)  Lately she has been nursing during the day LIKE CRAZY though.  She must be getting more teeth or maybe she just feels a little under the weather.  Whatever the case, I do not mind her nursing so much, but I definitely notice!

The Kids:

Rebekah and Samuel are getting into the school groove pretty well.  They are so smart, seriously, and even people who are not biased like me would tell you so!  I really love having them home all day and helping them with their school work.  But lately, what has been just tickling my heart is coming into a room to find them playing - together or alone - I just enjoy that they enjoy themselves and are able to just be kids.  I worry we rush our children to grow up so fast.  I want to give them a chance to be kids!

Jacob and Paul are also into the playing.  They often ask for "schoolwork" now and again, which I try to supply, but Paul looses interest quickly and any project I have in mind, is often not what he has in mind.  So I've given up trying to prep stuff for him.  When he asks, I offer a few choices (this or that workbook, a puzzle, a game you do not always have access to, etc) and we go from there.  I tried a little "formal" schooling with Jacob and while he was interested in some things (namely cutting and pasting and Math) he did not have the patience to answer my questions about the letters (although I really think he knows them all and their sounds).  So I humor him, as well, offering educational toys and a few workbooks now and again.  

(Tangent: I really like Kumon workbooks.  They are not very intimidating to the kids and do a very thorough job of covering the topics.)

In the Kitchen:

Gordie has unfortunately confirmed some bad news about his cholesterol, so we are considering reworking some of our meal choices (although I already do include quite a bit of fiber and such).  We are looking at using less beef, maybe heading to some vegetarian dishes or maybe just trying for more chicken.  I'm not sure how all this is going to look, but that is our "new adventure" for now.

Also, I should note that our dishwasher broke last night.  I toyed with the idea of trying to go without. . . for all of thirty minutes (hehe, first world right here) and am thinking we will gamble some and get it fixed rather than trying to replace right now.  But the final decision is still up in the air.


I'm working on my Mom's scarf again.  Yep, the one I wanted to have done for LAST Christmas.  I'm hoping to finish it up soon and get it to her so she can wear it when it turns cold.


I'm really enjoying Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt right now.  I have read it before, but it is such an enjoyable read and it really gets my brain thinking about Jesus as a real person (if that makes any sense).

Bringing Me Joy:

*New work-out clothes!!!  Seriously, I have NEVER purchased clothes to work-out in before (unless you count a uniform for an organized sport.)  I have always just used old gym shorts and t-shirts.  Well, as a splurge (and because all my current old clothes are rather baggy and falling off while I work-out) I picked up a cheap pair of shorts and a sporty shirt (on sale for $5).  Just putting the new clothes on is like a burst of energy and makes me want to move!  

Aren't these new duds AWESOME?!?!  (And please pardon the sweat stains on the mirrors!  This was a post-work-out picture.  Gotta clean them up again!)

*The kids - even the three-year-old - they are so great and I love them BUNCHES!! 

*Seeing the house MOSTLY painted.  For real!  Just need to touch up a few things so it will "look" better (because I am a sloppy painter).  But if I do not get to these "touch ups" I am content in knowing it is all painted and secure from the weather - and most of it looks pretty stinking good!!

Thinking About:

*The trouble in Syria.

*NFP and contraception.  (Planning to talk on this in a few days on the radio.  Praying about what to say on this delicate topic.)

Bible Verse:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  - Galatians 5:22-23

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Do not be troubled if you do not immediately receive from God what you ask him; for he desires to do something even greater for you, while you cling to him in prayer.  (CCC # 2737)

Pictures to share:

Our neighbors were thoughtful enough to have the fire truck come park RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE!!  The kids were ecstatic.  (Side note: No one was hurt.  It was a case of Carbon Monoxide and they were able to vent it so all was well again shortly.)

Family Hike.  I love that our family does this.  I hope we continue this tradition for many years to come.

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