Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Road I've Traveled

I missed posting anything about my birthday (which was last month), so I'm using that as my excuse for the random pondering to follow here. . . 

I'm "past" thirty now in years and really starting to feel like. . . well, not necessarily OLD, as in I cannot do things I once did (that has nothing to do with being old and has everything to do with a husband and growing family), but more like "AN ADULT."  No one bothers to card me anymore (surprise, surprise).  No one looks at me and wonders how I can be "so young" to have all these children.  I would say in the path of life I am definitely "ESTABLISHED."  

(On a side note, I am PHYSICALLY starting to feel quite old, but that really has little to do with my age and most to do with being pregnant with our sixth child. . . but, I am hoping/praying that, as in the past, once baby makes her departure, I will eventually be able to convince my body to behave "in an acceptable way" again.  I figure this is just training for when I AM actually PHYSICALLY OLD and start to have some of these same "issues."  I will be un-phased, for sure and might even have some tricks to employ to make my life easier.)

Anyhow, all this reflection has made me decide to make a list. . . a list of things I never thought I would do.

*Get married

*Have a baby (and like it - also should add breastfeeding here I suppose)

*Raise children

*Stay home with said children

*Homeschool said children

*Attempt to cook more and more meals from scratch

*Turn to more "natural-type" remedies rather than traditional pharmaceutical solutions 

*Like coffee (silly but true - although I still need quite a bit of creamer to enjoy it)

*Have anything to do with the military (my hubby joined the Air Force for a short time)

*Shoot a gun

*Give any thought to possible scenarios where our government ceases to function

*Enjoy running for pleasure and exercise and do so with any regularity

*Own a van that seats more than 8 passengers (which technically I still do not, but the end of those days are hopefully coming soon as our family will cease to fit in our van by mid-June this year)

I suppose that completes my list for now. . . perhaps I will add more later.  But it is kind of fun to take a moment and assess how "out of control" my life appears to have become, but I suppose that is what happens as I try to give it over to God.  Each day I marvel at what He has in mind. . . often the exact opposite of what I was thinking. . . but I really could not have picked a better fit for myself. . . even if I tried.


  1. God is good.

    I have had similar "old" thoughts about myself. It is weird.

    I enjoyed your reflections. I am glad we are friends. Cyberfriends, but friends nevertheless.
