Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blessings for Today

So, I just have to make a list of good things that have happened lately. I realize they should go on the small successes bit at the end of the week, but I don't necessarily consider these successes - just blessings! It all started as I was trying to determine what my three main whines were. . . and each thing that came to mind started as a whine, but seemed to have a good ending. Read on to be as shocked as me - I guess this day has not been so bad after all!

1) I was as tired this morning - slept in too late - but still managed to get my work-out in and get the kids to school EARLY (mostly because the baby slept in so I left him home with Daddy). Thank you for the blessing of Paul sleeping in.

2) I decided to walk to see Great Grandma today (about 25 min walk from my house) and neither of the kids cried (well, Paul whimpered a little) even though it was a long walk in the not-as-comfy-as-the-others stroller (only duo stroller we have - but it is definitely humble). Paul even fell asleep on the way home! Thank you for the blessing of the baby not crying and then sleeping.

3) Although it was frigid on the way to take Samuel to school, but the time Jacob, Paul, and I were ready to go to Grandma's, the weather was AMAZING (not too hot and not too cold). Thank you for such beautiful weather and a chance to be out in it.

4) Even though we got a later start for Great Grandma's than I wanted, she seemed to enjoy our visit. Thank you for for blessing us with such an amazing Great Grandma who takes what she gets and is happy to have it.

5) Even though I was dying of thirst and getting very hungry (pushing my two heavy-weights in the stroller really takes it out of me), we got to stop on our walk home after picking up Samuel and watch a guy in a bucket cut several limbs off a tall tree - way up high. Fortunately, Paul was sleeping so he did not mind waiting and Samuel and Jacob were absolutely mesmerized. Thank you for letting us stumble upon this rare event that the children enjoyed so much.

6) I was worried that Paul would cry while I tried to grab something quick for lunch, but not only was a I able to get lunch all ready with no fuss, Paul was able to entertain himself for 10 minutes more (with only minimal whimpering) so I was able to actually eat lunch at the table with the boys. Thank you for the baby being ok to sit for a minute so I could eat lunch at the table instead of while nursing him in the easy chair.

7) After such a crazy morning, I expected a fussy baby that would need the attention he had been missing in the stroller an during lunch but he is now sleeping. . . in his own crib. Who knows for how long - but at least it has been long enough for me to share so many blessings and to realize (in an incredibly redundant way :) that I AM SO BLESSED TODAY! (And probably every day if I take a moment to realize it.)

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