Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Whiney Wednesday

1) So I have finally gotten back to my pre-prego weight (but the plan is to go much further down so even though this sounds like a small success, read on for the whine :) and did the great clothes sort (exiling the plus-size clothing to two containers and moving them out of my room). However, I managed to miss one pair of underwear which I happened to grab this morning. As silly as it sounds, too large underwear makes for almost constant wedgies!! Seriously, talk about annoying. In any case, I thought of changing it, once I realized what the deal was, but then I thought, every little bit of suffering counts in the big picture right? God has a sense of humor :)

2) My son has recently discovered he can turn his ride-on toy truck over and spin the wheels and if he holds a toy on the wheel, it makes noise. This fascinates him to no end. I find it incredibly annoying to say the least. But I can't make myself ask him to stop as this a science project in the works. Where are the earmuffs? (Oh and now he is demanding I watch him conduct his experiment - again and again and again. . . . )

3) The baby is having issues sleeping lately. That could be the whine, but what bothers me even more than that is that his issues with sleeping are affecting MY TIME to exercise in the morning. I get up at 5am - sometimes earlier even - so I can work my body out to stay in shape and healthy. This is MY TIME. But apparently the baby seems to think he can demand my attention at any time he chooses. And you know, I think I might actually not mind stopping my work-out to nurse him if A) it meant he actually went back to sleep and let me get back to my exercise in a reasonable amount of time and/or B) I did not sweat so much cause it is just difficult to snuggle a nursing baby back to sleep when I look and feel like I forgot my umbrella.

(Oh well, I guess I should be grateful that my baby is helping me rid myself of this possessive attitude. All time belongs to God - it was never mine to begin with, right? :)

To take part in Whiney Wednesday, check out the "rules" here.

1 comment:

  1. wow! i can't believe you get up that early to workout. that is amazing to me. honestly, i consider 5am part of the night.

    i've long felt that i would not feel so overwhelmed in the morning if i got earlier instead of the boys waking me up. but they've always been so irregular and i know that if i make the effort to get up early and then they still interupt my time, i would be bitter. but like you said, our time is not ours.

    you have such a great attitude and you do such a good job of keeping things in perspective.
