Monday, June 27, 2011

Paul Update

My youngest son, Paul, recently (back on May 17) turned one-year-old. I have been MEANING to post for some time, but circumstances have kept me away. In any case, I figure better late than never. So here we have a few pictures of Paul sitting for the first time at "the big kids' table" and enjoying one of his favorite birthday toys - his drum.

And now I want to copy my good friend, Monica and say a little bit about Paul.

  • He LOVES To jabber! He is quite talkative. The only "real" word we consistently hear is "Daddy" (go figure :) but I would swear he has his own version of "thank you" (same inflection - jibberish words, though)

  • He is really good at climbing on things. I plan to put up an entire post about this aspect. I have caught him everywhere from on top of the couch (way up on the back) to the top of Jacob's tall table chair. He has no fear and quite a bit of skill.

  • His favorite foods right now are: black beans (so strange as I never thought to try and feed these to the other kids, but he eats them straight and LOVES them), peas, hamburger (mashed up), yogurt, and apples

  • Nursing - he has nursed the most of all the kids at his age (5 or 6 times a day). Of course, in his defense, this is the longest I have gone, between children, before getting pregnant again. And the nursing baby always seems to be the first to notice that I am pregnant.

  • Sleeping - he was giving me no short amount of trouble as his "preferred" nap schedule did not mesh with his brother and sister's school schedules and then he was always grumpy by evening, giving me trouble going to sleep at night and stay asleep. But at right about a year he seemed to figure things out. He shifted to one nap a day (about 1pm to 3:30 or 4pm) and began going down quite easily around 7pm - and STAYING ASLEEP until about 8am the next morning (occasionally he still wakes up once, around 5am, but then he goes right back to sleep after nursing a bit).

Paul, you are such a blessing to me!! Hooray for being a year old :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary, I saw your comment on Monica's blog about the Live Healthy Support group. It's being held at my house in Wichita...are you in Wichita too?? If so, you are welcome to join us. Here is a brief description I emailed out:
    Hi!! I have told you about a group I have been wanting to start to help with our goal as mothers to live healthy lives. It's not enough just to go on a diet or temporarily change our eating habits or excercise, it's got to be a change that is lasting and ongoing in order to be healthy ourselves and to be good examples to our children. The casual structure would include reading scripture and reflecting upon it, having a topic for each meeting and exchanging ideas, and just general support and sharing our triumphs and struggles together as we strive for Heaven. I am hoping to start on Thursday July 14th and meet every other Thursday at 7PM. I am really struggling with being healthy right now, I have put on way too much weight, have not been exercising enough, and I am tired all the time...I need a boost, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Sometimes as moms, we forget to nourish ourselves, let's let our Lord lead us to discover balance and fellowship.

    If you are interested, you can contact me at
