Thursday, June 23, 2011

Small Successes

It is that time again when I take stock of how things are going and look at the positive. So here are our successes for this week.

1) Survived two weeks of swim lessons - got everyone there on time - wrangled the younger kiddos - all went well.

2) Got the spare room cleaned up. It is amazing how things get out of hand so easily when stuff comes in and starts getting piled where it does not belong, but I have gotten it back under control (for now).

3) I have been doing better at keeping myself calm and letting things that normally would have me all upset, slip past (not all, of course, but some and that is a start).

Feel free to join in our weekly reflection by checking out the rules here.


  1. Great week, Mary. Reading about your successes made me happy for you, way to go!!!

  2. Swimming lessons are one of those necessary ordeals --good for you, it's so hard to get them ready, get them packed, get them in the car, on time, and back again with lo! a whole new load of laundry generated in the process; that's a major success! You should feel very proud, you earned major Mom badge points this week.

  3. Love the idea of writing down the successes! Way too often I remember only the struggles and failures. Convicting!!!

    Pls. visit me

    Blessings-you have a beautiful family!
